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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Is there an adc macro guide somewhere? Send me the link, please!

Posted in General | Tags: Caitlyn Ezreal Jhin Jinx Kai'Sa 6,528

  • Molses

    Is there an adc macro guide somewhere? Send me the link, please!

    So I'm really looking for a general macro guide for adcs so I can make better choices during the matches, besides my mechanics choices. Thanks
  • Answers (1)

    Silverman43 (85) | March 12, 2022 1:30am
    The second half of Vapora's Tristana Guide talks in-depth about general ADC macro. Several of the top ADC guides include lots of macro info that's applicable on any marksman.
    Molses (2) | March 12, 2022 1:14pm
    Thank you <3
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