League of Legends (LoL) Question: Is there time?
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Is there time?
So, My eventual goal in League of Legends is to get mastery 7 on Akali and Irelia (along with a few others), but I am almost level 30, and I don’t even have mastery 2 on either one of them yet! They are the champions I enjoy playing the most, and I don’t want to be unable to hold my own in ranked games when I’m playing my main champions! Is there any way I can be able to get good at them without being unable to play any other champions?
I would recommend to just play and keep on practicing
EDIT: The main thing is just to have fun. It doesn't matter how skilled you are, it's just a game :). Like the others here have said: Mastery levels 6 and 7 are just flexing tools. Even after about 3 years of LoL experience (which isn't even that much) I don't play many ranked games and I only have 4 champions with mastery level 7. And I currently only play 1-2 of them frequently.