If u want to have greater burst pick Thunderlords. But most of the players saw the LCS picks with the deathfire torch when combined with liandrys and rylai u get a pretty good burn/slow combo that help on engage when u poke a frontliner with ur ranged spells.
Its VERY good on her because u normaly engage with a cocoon and after that u do 1 auto in human form and after that u q in spider form to proc the thunder and kill ur target|||or u skip the human aa(auto attack and just try to attack in spider form if hes isnt already dead but u miss that 1 auto on ur spider q ^^
And for the reason Elise is already a burst champion with a high amount of dmg...a little burst can help get even tankier targets :)
And for the reason Elise is already a burst champion with a high amount of dmg...a little burst can help get even tankier targets :)