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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Is Zed a hard champion?

Posted in Champions | Tags: Zed 7,471

  • SarCy15

    Is Zed a hard champion?

    Zed is a hard champion? or not?
  • Answers (3)

    Katasandra (101) | May 12, 2021 6:23am
    Yes, I'd say Zed is a hard champion (although it depends on how you define 'hard').

    It's always a good idea to compare champions to others of their subclass. Zed is definitely harder than Talon or Fizz. Also slightly harder than Katarina, but easier than Akali.

    Why's that? First of all, his main damage (Q) is a skillshot. Getting the hang of hitting that, on top of combining it with his other abilities (the infamous WEQ / WQE combo or the 'triple shuriken') will require some time. Second of all, he has multiple instances of mobility (W & R) that can be used in multiple ways. Knowing which way to use when will also take some time to get used to.
    dgsl (1) | May 16, 2021 11:08am
    I dont think its difficult. I play zed, not bad, not good, but I play. To play well with him, you only need to practice and watch some plays. After some weeks, maybe months, you may play like a main. He have a unique playstyle, so you need to know how to move fast your camera, and use the free camera. The one that does not stays stuck on your champion. Always know where your mouse is, dont lose it. About playing really good, its more a macro thing. Like knowing the time to attack, who to focus, etc. Thats it in general
    Kid_Turbo | May 13, 2021 6:41pm
    Once you understand how the champion works its only a matter of how much time and effort you'll put into practicing.There's no way around it which is the cool part, but yes Zed is probably one of the hardest champions to master simply because with Zed you have freedom if you want to push yourself as a player you can, becoming better and better doing even carzier plays. If you possess the skill you'll always be able to make a better outplay than your last, we can take for example two of the best Zed players in the world yet entierly different gameplay like LL Stylish and Faker the difference been when i'm watching Stylish play Zed i know whats happening on the screen.
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