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League of Legends Items

What Are Items?

Items are pieces of equipment that one can purchase to increase their champion's effectiveness. Items can only be purchased at the fountain where a team spawns. Items come in 3 different tiers, basic, advanced, and legendary. All items sell for 70% of their cost except for Doran's and GP/10 items, which sell for 50% of their cost. There are items that are specific to Classic only, and items that are specific to Dominion only.

What are the Item Tiers?

Basic Tier:

These items are singular items that are not built out of anything and generally are used to make other items. They range from the cheapest being The Hex Core (0 gold) to the most expensive being B. F. Sword (1650 gold).

Complete list of basic tier items:

Amplifying Tome, B. F. Sword, Blasting Wand, Boots, Brawler's Gloves
Chain Vest, Cloak of Agility, Cloth Armor, Dagger, Doran's Blade, Doran's Ring
Doran's Shield, Faerie Charm, Giant's Belt, Long Sword, Meki Pendant
Needlessly Large Rod, Negatron Cloak, Null-Magic Mantle, Pickaxe, Prospector's Blade
Prospector's Ring, Recurve Bow, Regrowth Pendant, Rejuvenation Bead, Ruby Crystal
Sapphire Crystal, The Hex Core, Vampiric Scepter

Advanced Tier:

These items are created from at least 1 basic tier item and a recipe. Generally, they give unique stats besides their normal stats. They range from the cheapest being Mana Manipulator (475 gold) to the most expensive being Infinity Edge (3830 gold).

Complete list of advanced tier items:

Abyssal Mask, Aegis of the Legion, Atma's Impaler, Augment: Death, Augment: Gravity
Augment: Power, Avarice Blade, Berserker's Greaves, Bilgewater Cutlass
Mobility Boots, Boots of Swiftness, Catalyst the Protector, Chalice of Harmony
Cloak and Dagger, Emblem of Valor, Executioner's Calling, Fiendish Codex
Force of Nature, Glacial Shroud, Guardian Angel, Guinsoo's Rageblade, Haunting Guise
Heart of Gold, Hexdrinker, Hextech Revolver, Infinity Edge, Ionian Boots of Lucidity
Ionic Spark, Kage's Lucky Pick, Kindlegem, Kitae's Bloodrazor, Last Whisper
Leviathan, Madred's Razors, Malady, Mana Manipulator, Mejai's Soulstealer
Mercury's Treads, Moonflair Spellblade, Ninja Tabi, Phage, Philosopher's Stone
Quicksilver Sash, Rabadon's Deathcap, Rylai's Crystal Scepter, Sanguine Blade
Sheen, Sorceror's Shoes, Stinger, Sunfire Aegis, Sword of the Occult
Tear of the Goddess, Black Cleaver, Bloodthirster, The Brutalizer
The Lightbringer, Thornmail, Tiamat, Void Staff, Warden's Mail, Warmog's Armor
Wit's End, Zeal, Zhonya's Hourglass

Legendary Tier:

These items are created from at least 1 advanced tier item and a recipe. They may or may not contain basic tier items. Usually, these items give a large variety of stats, and are usually very expensive. They range from the cheapest being Eleisa's Miracle (1300) to the most expensive being Trinity Force (4070 gold).

Complete list of legendary tier items:

Archangel's Staff, Banshee's Veil, Deathfire Grasp, Eleisa's Miracle, Entropy
Frozen Heart, Frozen Mallet, Hextech Gunblade, Hextech Sweeper, Lich Bane
Locket of the Iron Solari, Madred's Bloodrazor, Manamune, Maw of Malmortius
Morello's Evil Tome, Nashor's Tooth, Odyn's Veil, Phantom Dancer, Randuin's Omen
Rod of Ages, Shurelya's Battlesong, Soul Shroud, Spirit Visage, Trinity Force
Will of the Ancients, Wriggle's Lantern, Youmuu's Ghostblade, Zeke's Herald

What are "Passives", "Auras", and "Actives"?


Item Sequence

Force of Nature 2800
Zhonya's Hourglass 3250
Will of the Ancients 2300

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space Passives are extra stats that are usually specific to one item. If you were to buy more than one item that had a "passive" then the passive would keep stacking. For example, with the Tiamat, stacking 2 of them will give 100% splash damage on melee attacks. space |
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space Unique passives are slightly different from normal passives. If you were to buy more than one of the same item that has a "Unique Passive" they would not stack. For example, if you were to buy 2 Force of Natures, than you would still only regenerate 1.75% of your max health per 5 seconds, instead of 3.5% if they stacked. space |
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space All actives that are currently in the game are "unique", meaning that they don't stack. Actives are useful aspects of an item that need to have a key pressed to activate. Your item slots are automatically mapped to your "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", and "6" keys. For example, if you were to buy a Zhonya's Hourglass, and had it in your first item slot, then pressing the "1" key would activate it's stasis aspect. space |
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space All "Auras" that are currently on items are "Unique", so they do not stack. Auras benefit your team, and do not need to be activated. Most auras will show a colored halo around your character's mid section. For example, if you bought a Will of the Ancients, you and your teammates would receive 30 ability power and 20% spellvamp. However, if another one of your teammates buys a Will of the Ancients, you and the teammate who bought it would receive double the bonus. The rest of your teammates would only receive one normal bonus. space |
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What are Doran's Items?


Item Sequence

Doran's Blade 450
Doran's Shield 450

Doran's items are items that all cost 475 gold, and they usually give a variety of stats. This makes them very cost efficient, however, Doran's items don't build into anything. Because of their extreme cost efficiency, it is sometimes a decent strategy to stack them. More about this can be read here: Doran's Stacking

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space 80 health, 15 ability power, 5 mana regeneration

Doran's Ring is a very common start for characters who need the ability power and mana regen. The health helps a person from being bursted down very quickly.
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space 80 health, 10 attack damage, 3% lifesteal

Doran's Blade is a very common start for ranged attack damage characters, as it helps them to last hit early game. Offtanks and Tanky DPS characters sometimes buy these, as the health gives them enough bulk to survive a little bit of damage, and the attack damage can help them do more damage.
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space 120 health, 10 armor, 8 health regeneration

Doran's Shield is not very commonly used. Sometimes, the person who goes top will buy this as their first item, however, this item usually isn't bought any time after the starting item.
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What are Gold/10 Items?


Item Sequence

Heart of Gold 825
Frostfang 400
Nomad's Medallion 850

Gold/10 items are items that increase how much gold a character gains every second. These items usually are bought early in the game, so that they eventually pay for themselves. Each Gold/10 item increases your gold gain by .5 gold per second.

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space 12% critical strike chance, 5 Gold/10

Requires 25 minutes to pay for itself. Requires 12 minutes 30 seconds to pay for itself if you sell it.
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space 250 Health, 5 Gold/10

Requires 27 minutes, 30 seconds to pay for itself. Requires 13 minutes, 45 seconds to pay for itself if you sell it.
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space Kage's Lucky Pick space |
space 25 ability power, 5 Gold/10

Requires 25 minutes, 30 seconds to pay for itself. Requires 12 minutes, 45 seconds to pay for itself if you sell it.
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space Kage's Lucky Pick space

space Philosopher's Stone space |
space 18 health regeneration, 8 mana regeneration, 5 Gold/10

Requires 26 minutes, 40 seconds to pay for itself. Requires 13 minutes, 20 seconds to pay for itself if you sell it.
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space Philosopher's Stone space

What are Snowball Items?


Item Sequence

Sword of the Occult 1400
Leviathan 1275
Warmog's Armor 3100
Bloodthirster 3400

Snowball items are items that increase in strength the more "stacks" that the item has. To gain stacks, one must gain kills or assists. However, with snowball items, whenever the holder dies, the item loses a percentage of it's stacks. Because of this, most players consider these snowball items unreliable.

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space 20 ability power

Unique Passive: Your champion gains 8 ability power per stack, receiving 2 stacks for a kill or 1 stack for an assist. This effect can stack 20 times; you lose a third of your stacks if you die. At 20 stacks (160 ability power), your champion gains 15% cooldown reduction.
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space 10 attack damage

Unique Passive: Your champion gains 5 damage per stack, receiving 2 stacks for a kill or 1 stack for an assist. This effect can stack 20 times; you lose a third of your stacks if you die. At 20 stacks, your champion's movement speed is increased 15%.
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space 180 health

Unique Passive: Your champion gains 32 health per stack, receiving 2 stacks for a kill or 1 stack for an assist. This effect can stack 20 times; you lose a third of your stacks if you die. At 20 stacks, your champion takes 15% less damage.
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space 920 health, 30 health regeneration

Passive: Permanently gain 3.5 health and 0.10 health regen per 5 sec per minion kill. Champion kills and assists grant 35 health and 1 health Regen per 5 sec. Bonuses cap at +350 health, and +10 health Regen per 5.
Unlike the other stacking items, the effects of this are not lost upon death.
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space 60 Attack Damage, 12 Life Steal

Passive: Gain an additional 1 Physical Damage and 0.2% Lifesteal per kill. Maximum of +40 Damage and 8% Lifesteal. Bonuses are halved upon death.
This is similar to the other stacking items, but, instead of stacking on champions, this can stack on minions as well.
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What are Consumables?

Consumables are relatively cheap items that are one time use. Depending on what consumable you purchase, it will have a different effect.



Item Sequence

Mana Potion 0

Potions are usually bought early on in the game. The reason for this, is because they eventually become less useful the later the game is, because the percentage of health/mana restored goes down as the champion's health/mana goes up.



Item Sequence

Vision Ward 75

Wards give you vision of the map and remove the fog of war from a set area around where you place the ward. Using these correctly can give your team great map vision and can even win games. To learn more, check out Warding.



Item Sequence

Elixir of Agility 250
Elixir of Brilliance 250
Oracle's Elixir 400
Oracle's Extract 300

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space This elixir increases your health and attack damage. This is usually the first elixir that AD characters and tanks will buy. space |
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space This elixir increases attack speed and critical strike chance. Usually only AD characters will buy this, as tanks and ability power characters don't really have a use for this. space |
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space This elixir increases your ability power and reduces your cooldowns. Ability power characters will usually get this, as the increase in AP is nice, and the cooldown reduction is really useful. space |
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space This elixir grants stealth detection. Usually, most characters will buy this last, if not at all, however, the support will usually pick 1 or 2 of these up during the game to help kill enemy wards. space |
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space This is Dominion's version of Oracle's Elixir. It's mainly bought to counter stealth champions, like Evelynn, Twitch, and Shaco. space |
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What are Custom Recommended Items?

Currently, in game, when you open up the shop, you will see the recommended items in the top right. Riot has put these there with good intentions, however, as most people know, you don't really want to follow that list. So, to make it easy and convenient to access, you can customize that list!

For the full instructions, you can look here or here (which I think is the more helpful).

If you need help creating the .ini files, or you don't know how to, here is a video:

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Alacaster | September 26, 2018 7:44pm
There is no ancient coin
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