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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Its nashor tooth good for cho gath?

Tags: Cho'Gath Nashor's Tooth 7,996

  • coco009876

    Its nashor tooth good for cho gath?

    I use this item for cho sometimes when I do it full ap, but i dont know if it is good for it
  • Answers (3)

    Joxuu (336) | February 26, 2015 6:42am
    You're better off going for flat AP due the ap ratios on Cho's abilities are so good (this is assuming you're going for AP build). You will most likely be kinda squishy so you don't want to be in melee range.

    For tanky Cho, Nashor just doesn't give necessary stats.
    Embracing (353) | February 28, 2015 4:15pm
    Yep, if you go full AP you won't have the luxury to auto enemies as much. You'll just want to be a full burst caster.

    If you go tanky there aren't tanky stats on it that help cho so it's really awkward to buy
    Sarrow GX | February 28, 2015 3:13pm
    It can be. But usually you wanna do a sort of hybrid tank/AP for Cho. I have seen Nashor's Tooth used a few times by people who want to build Attack Speed/AP Cho, which can actually work if you can play it right.

    So it all depends on how you want to play or what your team needs more of.
    Hidden Sanity (2) | February 26, 2015 10:11am
    If you're looking to splash in a bit of damage to tanky Cho, wits end is a better splurge when ahead. If you're full AP, you need to burst people out, in either case, the answer is no.
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