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Janna Build Guide by Cyndakyu

Support Janna

Support Janna

Updated on April 6, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Cyndakyu Build Guide By Cyndakyu 7 1 7,903 Views 0 Comments
7 1 7,903 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Cyndakyu Janna Build Guide By Cyndakyu Updated on April 6, 2024
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Runes: default aery

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Summon Aery
Manaflow Band
Gathering Storm

Eyeball Collection
Relentless Hunter

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+2% Movement Speed
+65 Base Health


1 2 3 4 5
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Heal


Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
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Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide


By Cyndakyu
Janna is one of the most impactful supports, and arguably the most impactful encnhanter in solo queue. This is because she excels at roaming in the early game, thanks to her high movespeed and tornados. Through roaming Janna is able to snowball the game and create advantages for not just her adc, but her mid, jungle, and top. Even if she isn't able to snowball, Janna scales extremely well and has a very strong late game, as she becomes the best enchanter at peeling enemies off her carries.

So if you want to play a roaming enchanter that can solo win games, through both snowballing and scaling extremely well, Janna is the character for you!
In this section I will be going through Janna's runes, explaining why each option is selected, and potential alternatives depending on the game.


Summon Aery is Janna's best keystone and compliments how she wants to play at all stages in the game. It both helps out with poke, proccing on both her autos and Zephyr and helps out with her ability to peel her allies as it stacks on top of both your shield and your Monsoon heal, which becomes more and more useful as the game goes on. Besides the power of the keystone itself, it also gives Janna access to the rest of the sorcery tree, which has great options that work very well with Janna.
However, Arcane Comet also has a place on Janna if going a more aggressive setup with Imperial Mandate, with it providing more early game damage, although this does come at the fairly heavy cost of a longer cooldown and becoming more and more irrelevant the game goes on, unlike Summon Aery.
Manaflow Band is easily the best option in the second row, as without it Janna can struggle with mana. Although it is possible to play with good mana management, as was proved when it was common to run Glacial Augment on Janna thanks to the mana regen she gets from enchanter items, Nimbus Cloak, and even worse, Nullifying Orb simply do not provide enough value to Janna to justify going instead of manaflow.
All three minor runes here are extremely good on Janna, but since Janna's changes at the end of last season that made her damage scale with movespeed again, Celerity comes out on top. This rune both gives Janna more damage with her Tailwind passive, but it also makes it easier for her to move around the map as it synergises with Relentless Hunter, making stronger roams.
Both Absolute Focus and Transcendence are viable on Janna, especially with Moonstone Renewer builds and Resolve secondary when you just want to play for scaling since with this playstyle Janna cares less about the damage she deals early game and will be roaming less.
Absolute Focus gives Janna more ap, making for stronger shields and should have a very high uptime since Janna should be towards the back of teamfights, and will likely not be the primary target. Transcendence is my preferred option though, due to the overall reduction of ability haste in the game, especially on Ionian Boots of Lucidity in Season 14.
Once again, all three of these minor runes are strong on Janna (I told you Sorcery was good for her!) but Gathering Storm comes out on top. I know many Janna players prefer to run Scorch to maximize their early impact, I personally don't like it as much, since it relies very heavily on winning early, and whenever you don't hard snowball and end the game in 20 minutes or less, scorch simply feels worse than Gathering Storm for me. Although, because of it being for early damage, it is very good on Hail of Blades builds, and is a viable alternative to Gathering Storm if you go Arcane Comet.
Waterwalking is also viable on Janna, especially if you know you will be roaming lots, and scales better than scorch, however is literally completley useless as soon as you leave the river, unlike Gathering Storm which is always active and useful.


  • Eyeball Collection compliments Janna's playstyle of wanting to roam, as it is very easy to get assists on Janna, so its easy to stack eyeball quickly, allowing for lots of early ap which you can use to snowball further.
  • Its ability to stack quickly and easily make it superior to the more utility focused Zombie Ward and Ghost Poro.
  • Relentless Hunter compliments Janna's roaming playstyle and synergizes with celerety, making Janna very quick and able to join any fight that occurs on the map.
  • It also compliments Eyeball Collection very well, since they stack in the same way and having more movespeed will allow you to roam easier, and having more ap will make your roams stronger.
  • Would not reccomend any of the other hunters ( Ingenious Hunter, Treasure Hunter, Ultimate Hunter), since movespeed is a very valuable stat on Janna.
  • The reason you pick Resolve second is because of Revitalize, as it is very strong when going Moonstone Renewer builds. This is the best rune when you won't be roaming, and instead will be maxxing shield and scaling safely.
  • Janna's late game will be the strongest with this playstyle of scaling safely with Revitalize, but comes at the great detrement of you having very little impact on the early game, which is the most important part of the game, and somewhere theat Janna normally excels through her roaming.
Font of Life
  • The best second option when going Revitalize, since it procs very easily on your Howling Gale and Zephyr.
  • If your team doesn't have many (or any) heavy auto attackers, you can instead opt for Conditioning, or if you are into a very heavy poke lane you can take Second Wind. I personally don't like Bone Plating, since if you make the mistake of being hit with a cc like a hook, you are very squishy and will probably die anyway. It is also useless into poke.
In lane Janna can be a very strong lane bully when she is paired with a strong bot like Draven or if she is into a good melee matchup like Leona or Braum.

She is also able to bully enchanter lanes, but many enchanters have abilities like Nami's Ebb and Flow or Soraka's Starcall, which can out trade Janna's Zephyr and auto, especially without Arcane Comet so its important to dodge or shield these abilities when possible.

Janna's worst lane matchups are poke lanes like Xerath or Brand, as they outrange you and make it difficult to walk up and Zephyr without being chunked back.

In cases when you feel like you can't walk up and Zephyr you generally have two options: roam or don't interact and scale.

Most of the time, roaming is the reccomended option most of the time as it puts the game more into your hands and allows you to essentially sack bot and help get your jungler/mid/top ahead. This is especially strong with mage bots like Seraphine who can safely farm under tower, scaling picks who won't be relevant until later in the game anyway, like Aphelios, or Ezreal who should be fairly safe by himself thanks to his Arcane Shift. However, if for whatever reason your bot is unable to stay safe by themself or they are under threat of being tower dove, make sure to return to help them out.

The other option is to not interact and scale. This option is viable if you are against a tank support like Nautilus or Leona that you will outscale, or if you are scared that your adc will just die from being tower dove, which is more likely when vsing an early game jungler like Elise or Lee Sin. If you think this will be the case, it is highly reccomended to build Moonstone Renewer with Resolve secondary.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Cyndakyu
Cyndakyu Janna Guide
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