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Janna Build Guide by CucarachoFeo

Jungle Janna Jungle Enchanter Build

Jungle Janna Jungle Enchanter Build

Updated on May 4, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author CucarachoFeo Build Guide By CucarachoFeo 3,226 Views 0 Comments
3,226 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author CucarachoFeo Janna Build Guide By CucarachoFeo Updated on May 4, 2024
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Runes: Aery

1 2
Summon Aery
Nimbus Cloak

Eyeball Collection
Relentless Hunter

+10% Attack Speed
+2% Movement Speed
+10-180 Bonus Health


1 2
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Unleashed Smite

Unleashed Smite

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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
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Champion Build Guide

Janna Jungle Enchanter Build

By CucarachoFeo
Janna's passive Tailwind gives Janna magic damage on-hit based on her bonus movement speed. It is not a great scaling, but enough to help her farming in solo lanes, or in this case to keep up with the jungle camps.

Buying Boots of Swiftness on your first back grants Tailwind enough damage to make a second clear in time.

Janna's strong CC and movement speed make for very consistant ganks in the early game, though requires your teammates to output most of the damage.
Pros and Cons
  • Strong CC, good ganks.
  • Hard to engage, high survability.
  • High utility jungler option.
  • Strong peel for an adc in late game.
  • Good for teamfights.
  • Fast roaming speed.
  • Slightly slower clear.
  • Low damage in mid/late game.
  • Cant's fight enemies on her own.
  • Low defensive stats.
  • Can't contest jungle camps.
  • Slow dragon and herald clearing.
  • Can't carry the game.
Summon Aery works too well on Janna, though as a jungler you won't be procing it as often as in the bot lane. Still provides decent damage in early game and good shielding in the late game. Arcane Comet can be a good second option for more explosive ganks.

Nimbus Cloak gives movement speed when using a summoner spell. This makes for a safer way out with a defensive flash, or a stronger gank with an aggressive one. Also the movement speed granted when smiting a jungle camp grants Tailwind extra damage (though very briefly).

Celerity is the best rune for Janna since it allows you to stack even more movement speed.

Waterwalking gives movement speed while in the river, which not only helps Janna roam faster, but also grant consistant damage from Tailwind for clearing Scuttle Crabs and both Dragon and Baron/Herald.

Eyeball Collection is good since you want to be constantly ganking lanes.

Relentless Hunter is very good on late game, though Cheapshot can make a difference while ganking early.

Glacial Augment is still a very good rune for Janna, and it would make ganks even harder for your enemies. I dont really like the rest of the tree on Janna, but it's really not bad.

Triple Tonic is a still good, even though the first elixir doesnt give damage against jungle camps. Never take Magical Footwear.

Future's Market is good for finishing key items earlier. Biscuit Delivery grants extra survability in the jungle.

Cosmic Insight is very good, but not really needed. Approach Velocity falls in value once your damage stops being relevant. Time warps tonic grants movement speed while using a potion, which again gets more on hit damage through Tailgate (though almost negligible).
Flash is the usual summoner spell, and can save you from difficult situations. It is also very good in the jungle because of the prominent walls.

Ghost can make for stronger ganks, and can be a generally good option. Later in the game it can get a little redundant with Shurelya's Battlesong.

You need Smite to jungle.


Tailwind will carry most of your damage while clearing the jungle camps, allowing Janna to focus on building movement speed rather than damage items.

Howling Gale

Janna's tornado is a very good peeling tool, though well aimed can also serve for good initiation.

Because how Howling Gale works, most of the time you want to let the tornado fire itself once it is fully charged, but be ready to fire it earlier if the enemy is at the right angle.

Always aim your tornado where you expect your enemies to walk to. If you're being chased, aim the tornado towards yourself, so even if the enemy commits to the pursue you get an easy self peel.


Zephyr has a passive part to it, granting Janna extra movement speed according to the skill's level, making it a good ability to max for a faster roam and damage from Tailwind.

It is also your lowest cooldown ability and the one that grants better consistant damage in the jungle by leveling up.

It is an ability you want to use whenever you can, using the ability does NOT remove its passive bonus (as it used to in before).

Eye of the Storm

Eye of the Storm provides extra survability to Janna in the early stages, blocking some of the monsters damage.

Later in the game it becomes your main proc for items like Ardent Censer, Staff of Flowing Water and Moonstone Renewer.

Eye of the Storm grant bonus AD while the shield is up, but it vanishes once the shield is depleted. Early on, when used on yourself for clearing camps try to use it when the monsters are at a distance or when they are knocked-up.


Janna's ultimate is a very strong utility, both for its healing and CC, though most of the time you'll end up using it for one or the other.

Monsoon will start healing once the casting animation ends, and it will stop if Janna moves or gets CC'd.

Flash > R will always be a good combo to have in hand, but have in mind that unlike Lee Sin Janna has very low defensive stats on her own.

Monsoon can be a very good ganking tool, especially when comboed with flash, but using it for its healing is still a good idea, for example while doing Dragon or after a gank.
Patch 14.9:
-Guide Redacted
-Updated for season 14
-Rune trees modified
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League of Legends Build Guide Author CucarachoFeo
CucarachoFeo Janna Guide
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Janna Jungle Enchanter Build

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