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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Jhin's ult

Posted in Champions | Tags: Jhin 48,241

  • SparknSmoke

    Jhin's ult

    How does Jhin's ult fully work. Just bought him and don't understand how to. Tyvm
  • Answers (1)

    MrLazyDude | November 13, 2017 7:45pm
    When u press r you will be zoomed out and a triagular area like will form where ur cursor is. Aim with your cursor and u get 4 shots, to shoot, aim with ur cursor then left click. If you move or press r again ur ult wil stop.
    MrLazyDude | November 18, 2017 4:01am
    hah allg bro or sis
    SparknSmoke | November 17, 2017 11:04pm
    Thank you for you time and help.
    PsiGuard (1495) | November 13, 2017 10:02pm
    I'm assuming this is how it works for manual casting. If you're quick-casting, you need to press R again to shoot each shot.
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