League of Legends (LoL) Question: Jinx Item Build
Posted in Champions | Tags: Jinx Last Whisper 4,395
Jinx Item Build
Most guides recommend getting Last Whisper, and very few if any even mention Blade of the Ruined King. Why is this? I find that with Jinx's high attack speed (Especially after Statikk Shiv and Berserker's Greaves ) that it tears through enemies faster, even if they stack armor.
Don't forget that you might need to get your defensive item earlier on and also you should get Quicksilver Sash when facing Zed, Warwick or any other really nasty CC.
Blade of the Ruined King can be a substitute to Bloodthirster if you need selfpeel
1. Infinity Edge
2. Boots with home guard
3. Blood Thurster
4. Phantom Dancer
5. Stattick Shive
6. Guarden Angal
If you need more info about jinx look at my guide for her. I main her.
To properly utilize this build mainly stay in your minigun form for the max sustain. I have beaten Warwick to the ground with this kind of sustain. And your tower pushing capability is unreal.