League of Legends (LoL) Question: jungle fiddlesticks build
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jungle fiddlesticks build
so i was just playing a fiddlesticks game when i realized "wtf am i supposed to build?!". so i started the match with machete + potions and went base with 4000 gold :D. well, lategame my build was like boots of mobility, spirit of the ancient golem (spellvamp seems useless to me so i went with the tank item), zhonyas, abyssal scepter, frozen heart and a free item slot. the build did work out in that game since my team was superfed but id just like to know whats the "official" jungle fiddlesticks build ^^ well thx in advance guys!
edit: yes, i looked at the top-builds here but i didnt really like what i found
edit: yes, i looked at the top-builds here but i didnt really like what i found
Spectral Wraith is okay but Fidd doesn't need it to jungle + build path makes you weak early + you really really want Hourglass ASAP for team fights.
That's all I know for sure.
Also taking mana pots as your first buy is better then health pots since you can just life steal your health back up.
Pretty much agreeing with you here. Double doran's sounds solid to me.
Anyway, I've seen people completely skipping any jungle item, I've seen people only building
Overall the Spectral wraith isn't such a good item on fiddle because you don't benefit from the spell vamp that much (it is fun though, those heals O.o), but overall it isn't that bad because it gives 30% (or 20?) increased clear speed, mana regen and HP.
You can obviously start