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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Junglers

Posted in Champions | Tags: Evelynn Nunu & Willump 6,115

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    Hello, are Evelynn and Nunu viable right now?
  • Answers (4)

    Wicked Cherry (162) | June 15, 2020 6:32am
    Hey there,
    Nunu & Willump are supposed to receive a buff real soon.. Patch 10.13 it must have been. Nunu's general is pretty low right now, but I'm sure that'll change as soon as the buff goes live. :)
    Evelynn is in a pretty good state right now, as Fruxo already said. :) You may want to check out Ekko, he's probably one of the most played junglers right now.

    All the best & good luck out on the Rift,
    Wicked Cherry.
    Fruxo (326) | June 15, 2020 2:04am
    I'd say they are pretty decent to play right now, good to learn.
    silentdeath (1) | July 4, 2020 10:32am
    evelynn and nunu ar top tier junglers right now if played right
    NUNU is very good in drake control and very strong ganks
    EVELYNN is very good against squishes and weak early game junglers as she can get invaded
    ShroomShin (6) | June 25, 2020 5:24am
    Nunu and Evelynn are viable options in the next patch, probably. But I think that Ekko is so much better, and had a great kit with high damage output, and even a stun to that can change the tide of battle, and great for ganks. A well placed W from Ekko would force the opposing laner to either flash it, or try to kite it out into the river. At this point you can close the gap reletively quickly because of your e.
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