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Ability Order
Icathian Surprise (PASSIVE)
Kog'Maw Passive Ability

I would like to thank Restrictnine, as he is the one that showed me this build. I have been playing Kog for a long time, but he opened my eyes to building this way. :)

Run at people when you die, you blow up and deal true damage (cannot be mitigated). I would like to point out to keep this in mind if you think you will probably die from a gank. You can turn around and get one of your gankers low enough to kill them with your passive. By no means TRY to die, but keep it it mind.

When you use the active the passive does not go away, so there is no reason not to use it when you start DPS'ing someone. I usually wait to see if a level 1 fight breaks loose before I skill up, so I can take

The wording here confused me when I first started playing Kog. From the wording it sounds like this effects his skills (caustic spittle, void ooze, living artillery) but in reality it only increases the range of his auto attacks. So do not use it to try to finish off people with your ult! :) This is the bread and butter of attackspeed Kog. This is what you should use every time you start dpsing in a fight, and to harass in lane.

Nothing much to explain here. I will go over positioning of this later.

* Cost: 40 Mana (each subsequent Living Artillery in the next 6 seconds costs 40 additional mana, capping at 200 per cast)
* Area of Effect:
I just wanted to note the extra mana cost for Living Artillery's used in quick succession, and that it has a small area of effect (aoe). I will go over positioning of this skill later, it is very vital to success. After a recent patch this now scales with BOTH ap and ad, which with this build makes it great. We don't rely on this for the majority of our damage, but with this build it can do significant damage to fleeing enemies.

I greatly prefer

I honestly believe the best spot for Kog is being bot with a good babysitter (ex:

Attackspeed Kog is very weak early game, but he needs farm. Look at the other team. Do they have strong mid heroes / mid heroes with gap closers? (ex:

IMPORTANT! Keep in mind if you're going mid against a heavy harass ad champ (

I don't usually bother harassing until level 4 or 5 because the creep aggro you get will often hurt you more than you hurt the enemy. If the enemy is being dumb and getting up in your face then by all means, hit them a few times with your W active. Once you hit 4 and they are within attack range throw out your E, your Q, then activate your W and hit them a few times, but don't chase them too much and get attacked by their minions. Keep in mind this combo is very mana intensive so don't waste all your mana doing this over and over.
Once you hit level 6 and get

Aiming Examples

First return
Your priority will be to buy

Here is a guide to effective warding if you are curious where to put them!
If you have the opportunity to gank, Kog is a formidable ganker. However, you do not always get this chance if you're playing against a strong mid champion that you cannot manage to kill. If you do kill your mid counterpart and have at least half health, you can go ganking!
Head up to top or bottom lane (whichever one is either giving your team more trouble or the enemy has pushed up too far) and sit in the brush by the river. If you know there is a ward be prepared to run in (hopefully with ghost) and try to surprise them as best you can. Make sure your team is ready, ping the target you want to focus, and go in!
Throw down your E in such a way to ensure they run into it while they're fleeing and get slowed. Start pounding them with your Q + W. Once they are out of your slow and still might get away use your exhaust if you can. If they run into the brush to avoid you throw a R in their direction to get sight on them and keep hitting them with your W. Still not dead? Finish them as their running away with your R. Keep in mind during this time your teammates should be helping you kill them as well, so this should be easy as cake if you do it right. See the pictures below for positioning references.

Work on farming up your

Be sure to participate in team fights if they need you. There's no point in farming if you're letting the other team get fed because you aren't helping with team fights / defending towers. This phase is all about map awareness and knowing where to be and when.
Kog needs red buff. Try to get Red Buff if you can. This will be a great asset in ganking and team fights in general. You are the AD carry so this should always be given to you unless you're doing poorly.
Blue buff isn't very good for you. You don't use too much mana and your cd's are relatively low, but hey if no one else wants it I guess you can take it and spam away with your R!
If the teams are duking it out seeing which one should initiate first, poke a little with your R. It won't do too much damage so don't spam it and blow all your mana, but even a little damage and sight on the enemy team is very beneficial, and you have the range to pull it off.
Once the fight is initiated throw a slow in the middle and pick out your first priority target. Usually this will be the enemy carry or mage (ex:

Make sure to finish off fleeing champions with your R if you can, but remember don't chase too far and leave your team still fighting without their carry. It is very vital for you to keep dishing out sustained heavy damage during the team fight.
Late game is all about sticking together and fighting / pushing / defending as a team. Like I mentioned in the Team Fights section, when roaming around make sure to stick behind the tank. If you are farming, don't be far from your team, and don't be in lanes far away from turrets. If you get caught with your pants down it could mean gg for your team because it will be hard to win a team fight 4v5.
By now you should be able to melt almost anybody on the enemy team. Because of this the enemy team will be really keen on killing you first. This is why it's so important to get survivability items and stay behind your tanks / melee. If you are having trouble staying alive consider buying a guardian's angel on top of your

Lots of times items are situational late game to counter specific heroes / teams. I will discuss situational items later.

Since we go down the utility tree, keep in mind Ghost and Flash will be on relatively low cd's, don't be hesistant to use them if you're afraid you're going to die.
Optional Summoner Spells:

greater mark of desolation - You are building AD, so you will want armor pen to do more damage. You don't really need magic pen for your W, it is more icing on the cake than the focus of your damage. Arpen marks are a nice mark that fits for most ad based champs, including offtanks.


greater quintessence of desolation - Boosts your ad damage, but harder to last hit with than AD quints. These are still a good rune to have since they work on a lot of champs.

An alternate mastery setup would be to take the same 21 points in offense, and take 9 points in utility. Grabbing flash bonus, good hands, swiftness, and increased buff duration.
2/19/2011 - Switched seals from dodge to mp5 and added the summoner spells section. Added clarification about build 2 / copying in intro.
2/20/2011 - Changed Masteries to 1 point in perseverance and 2 points in Good Hands.
8/4/2011 - Changed Malady to Phantom Dancer in main build.
11/13/2011 - Completely reworked build in accordance to current Meta. Focused on AD damage rather than magic damage / magic pen.
11/17/2011 - Guide description rehaul to match new build / playstyle.
3/11/2012 - Changed summoners, masteries, runes, and switched out BV for GA
Thanks a LOT to Lord Fragamacrunch for helping me with calculating attack speed, posing in pictures, and all that good stuff. YTB! :D
Thanks to Searz for in depth feedback and suggestions that have made my build better.
Thanks to Restrictnine for helping me reevaluate my build on a more competitive level.
Thanks to Luther3000 for laying down the final straw so I finally updated my guide.
I am looking to continually update this guide, have a nice day, and a GG!
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