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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Last Whisper on Corki

Posted in Items | Tags: Corki Last Whisper 8,991

  • Teemoshy

    Last Whisper on Corki

    So, I have been browsing through various champs I play on and have seen players building Last Whisper and its upgrades on Corki. And I'm not talking about like Vardags or Steelback, but good ADCs like Deft. The reason I'm asking why is just that Corki has so much magic damage now (half his AA damage on top of at least half on all his abilities) that I don't see it being all too efficient. I assume I'm wrong, I just want to know your guys' thoughts on it.
  • Answers (1)

    Vengenator (61) | January 14, 2016 10:17am
    I've seen 2 players build Last Whisper on and they were both losses. From what I see the vast majority of players don't build it.
    Maintained (201) | January 14, 2016 8:05pm
    Right now, Last Whisper itself isn't the best item most of the time, even on ad carries who can use it pretty well. It's even worse on Corki, whose damage is mostly magic damage. Perhaps pros built it because they were not paying a lot of attention, or were experimenting.
    Teemoshy (15) | January 14, 2016 7:29pm
    That is true, the losses thing. I'm just wondering why build it? Seems like it wouldn't be that big of a help.
    Vengenator (61) | January 14, 2016 1:22pm
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