League of Legends (LoL) Question: Least played champions?
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Least played champions?
I have just been curios guys about why some champions are not played that much. I know that unpopular picks like swain, galio, mao'kai, and yorick are all strong picks in their respective fields. What I am trying to get to in this is why some champions are not played as much as others these champions are strong just wanted someone to explain to me why no one is regularly playing these champions. Is it because no PRO player is playing them or have they just been forgotten? Btw guys I am new to mobafire and hope you guys will treat me well and help me through some of the question I ask. P.S. I am not great at typing
Poor viktor, the only one I have ever seen play him well is VMan. I wonder if mobility runes would help make them a little better?
If picks like Viktor, Cho gath, Galio and such become stronger, people will spam them just as much as they spam lulu, leblanc, renekton and more ...
Just my opinion tho