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Fiora Build Guide by Lilac

Top Lilac's Very Epic Guide to Fiora [14.10]

Top Lilac's Very Epic Guide to Fiora [14.10]

Updated on May 28, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Lilac Build Guide By Lilac 6,765 Views 0 Comments
6,765 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Lilac Fiora Build Guide By Lilac Updated on May 28, 2024
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Runes: Press the Attack

1 2 3 4
Press the Attack
Presence of Mind
Legend: Alacrity
Coup de Grace

Sudden Impact
Eyeball Collection

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


1 2 3
Flash + Teleport
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Champion Build Guide

Lilac's Very Epic Guide to Fiora [14.10]

By Lilac
When and Why To Pick Fiora
The first and most obvious reason to pick Fiora in champ select is her insane late-game tank busting and split pushing; but what about when the enemy team has no tanks, or a team comp that makes split pushing incredibly difficult?

Like many top laners, Fiora can seem pretty matchup dependent, and there's cerainly some incredibly difficult matchups. However, she also has a great variety of builds, all great for different situations and combined with her high skill expression, with enough practice and skill you can learn to make the best out of any situation and come out on top.

Against tank heavy comps, the plan is simple enough; tank busting is 90% of Fiora's identity to most players. But what about high-range comps? Fiora's high mobility and ability to proc runes like PTA and items like BotRK almost instantly, she can gain access to high-priority marksmen and pop them surprisingly quickly. In situations where you can't participate in teamfights, the combined wave clear from your Tiamat item of choice and the fact that your Q hits turrets and your E is a high-damage auto reset gives Fiora incredible split pushing potential.
Fiora Basics
Fiora Abilities

Duelist's Dance (Passive) - Periodically, Fiora will identify a "vital" on nearby enemies. Attacking this vital will grant Fiora bonus move speed, deal % max health true damage, and grant healing that scales with Fiora's level. The position of this vital will change after one is struck, after a set duration, or if the enemy is far enough from Fiora.

Lunge (Q) - Fiora lunges in a direction and slashes. This slash prioritizes vitals and enemies it will kill, and applies on-hit effects.

Riposte (W) - Fiora becomes immune to all damage and CC for 0.75 seconds. After this ends, she will slash forward, crippling the move speed and attack speed of the enemy in front of her. If she riposted enemy CC, this slash will instead stun the first enemy hit.

Bladework (E) - Fiora gains bonus attack speed for her next two auto attacks. The second auto attack will crit, dealing bonus damage.

Grand Challenge (R) - Fiora identifies four vitals on an enemy and creates a zone around them which grants her bonus move speed. If she hits all four of these vitals, or if the enemy dies after Fiora has struck at least one vital, she will create a zone which heals her and her allies over time. The duration of this zone scales with the number of vitals hit.
Keystone Rune Selection
Keystone Options

Conqueror - This keystone scales great with Fiora, offering extra healing and bonus AD, which increases her % max health true damage from vitals.

Grasp of the Undying - This keystone is great against tanks, dealing % max health damage and granting permanent max HP, slightly improving your durability in long fights against those tanks. It also grants extra sustain in lane, which improves Fiora's ability to bully tanks in lane. While the pressure it offers in lane is great, it scales much more poorly than Conqueror, meaning your mid-late game is much weaker than it otherwise would be, and if you find yourself needing to assist in a teamfight, you will find yourself struggling even more than usual.

Press the Attack - Press the Attack used to be considered a cheesy option for snowballing against squishies, but as overall damage continues to creep higher, it may now be the best option, offering a much stronger laning phase and still performing fairly well in late-game 1v1s.

Fleet Footwork - Similar to Grasp of the Undying, this keystone offers good laning, but rather poor scaling. Against ranged matchups, Fleet Footwork not only provides great sustain, but bonus move speed to keep up with high mobility champions.
Secondary Rune Selection
Triumph - Slightly improves snowballing and teamfighting. Mostly taken when you have runes to fix your mana problems besides Presence of Mind.

Presence of Mind - Greatly alleviates mana problems in lane. Good for both primary and secondary Precision.

Legend: Alacrity - Offers bonus attack speed, allowing you to take two adaptive force instead of one.

Legend: Haste - Offers bonus ability haste. Strong for snowballing, but if ever you're behind, it will do little.

Last Stand - Increases damage when low health, improving your ability to duel enemies. Great option for any game.

Demolish - Great for splitpushing and taking plates, this is your best option with Grasp of the Undying. If you're taking Resolve as your secondary rune tree, this may be best left off the table, as your low wave clear and lack of sustain from other Resolve runes will make it difficult to get many demolish procs off in lane for plates.

Conditioning - Scaling resistances, great for laning against tanks with low damage early game.

Second Wind - Offers great sustain against ranged champions, or champions with DoTs.

Bone Plating - Good for both playing aggressively, or playing defensively against all-in champions like Jax, Bone Plating greatly reduces a lot of their inital burst damage.

Overgrowth - Similarly to conditioning, this is great for scaling against tanks with low early game damage.

Revitalize - A go-to whether running Resolve primary or secondary, as it greatly increases your healing not only from Duelist's Dance, but also items like Doran's Blade, Ravenous Hydra, and Maw of Malmortius.

Unflinching - Similarly to bone plating, will do the most work in lanes against strong all-in champions.

Sudden Impact - Strong for high burst damage in lane with Press the Attack. Falls off hard late-game or when behind.

Eyeball Collection - Strong snowballing potential, mainly taken for the simple fact that there aren't many better options when taking Domination as your secondary rune tree.

Relentless Hunter - Decent option when taking Domination as your secondary rune tree. Bonus move speed is never bad, but the out-of-combat restriction makes it useless for reaching vitals.

Manaflow Band - Negates mana issues almost entirely once fully stacked and synergizes incredibly well with Manamune.

Transcendence - Strong scaling option; Ability haste is incredibly valuable on Fiora, and in 1v2s the cooldown resets can give you a valuable second parry.

Scorch - Offers good poke when combined with Grasp of the Undying. Useless after lane, and not particularly recommended with any other keystone.

Gathering Storm - Incredible scaling rune. Boosts vital damage very well in the late-game, but quite literally does nothing in lane. Recommended against opponents that are already incredibly weak in lane where you're looking more to outscale them or their team.

Magical Footwear - When taking inspiration as your secondary rune tree, this is often your second best choice behind Biscuit Delivery. The slight move speed boost is helpful for reaching vitals, and the free 300 gold allows you to reach your item spikes faster.

Cash Back - Allows you to hit your 2nd+ item spikes faster. Slow rune, but seems perfectly viable.

Biscuit Delivery - Gives great sustain and fixes mana problems in lane, and offers a bit of extra permanent mana. This is the main reason to take inspiration as your secondary rune tree in tough matchups.

Cosmic Insight - Decent rune option that allows you to keep your Flash up a bit more often. Solid option if you don't like Magical Footwear or Cash Back.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Lilac
Lilac Fiora Guide
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Lilac's Very Epic Guide to Fiora [14.10]

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