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Recommended Items
Runes: the absolute best
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order Usual skillpath
Sovereign's Domination (PASSIVE)
Viego Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Early game Jungler which can invade well, care what she is doing
Lissandra is one of the best gank partner you can get, as she point and click stuns & roots the enemy target until its dead by your damage.
Lissandra is one of the best gank partner you can get, as she point and click stuns & roots the enemy target until its dead by your damage.
Champion Build Guide
Pro´s + Strong duelist + Strong snowballing & scaling + Steamrolling teamfights + Camouflage, Immunity, Untargetable, mobility + Healing + High autoattack range + Fast Jungle clear + Mixed damage sources (Flat damage, current health damage and missing health damage) Con´s - You have to get kills first to reach your full potential (resets) - Weak CC - Relatively squishy - Weaker earlygame - Unusual, unique Playstyle (harder to learn as "casuals") - difficult teamfighting Although Viego has some weaknesses, you will be able to minimize them while playing out his strengths. He is harder to learn and definitely hard to master, as you have to learn basically every other champion in the game to utilize your passive very well, besides his unique playstyle. Take one step at a time while learning Viego, as there are many things to consider, and you probably wont be able to learn everything right at the start. It is worth the process! |

Other option:

Secondary Paths:
The Inspiration Path: Its the usual path you want to take in most of the games.

The Domination Path: An aggressive alternative.

The Resolve Path: The defensive oriented option.

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Skill your Ult whenever you are able to, max your Q first, E second, your W last.

The active ability is an AoE Stab(scaling with AD & crit), which deals physical damage.

The spreading is also great for mindgames and to set a potential risk upon the enemies. Dont use it at the raptors wall when you clear them, as it revelas your position there (use it near the redbuff wall and drag the chickens down to it).

First back:

Core Item:



Last Items:



Some Notes:
WHY didnt i talk about antiheal (

So, back to the Possessions. It is not always good to overtake an enemy, there are many things you can consider if it is worth or a mistake.
The positive ones are:
+ You receive healing
+ You can dodge huge damage bursts because you get untargetable
+ You get spell "resets" (as you can use their ones while yours are on cooldown)
+ You receive an Ult reset when you have skilled it
The negative ones are:
- You cant get back to your Viego form pre level 6 (healing is weak early, too)
- You can get yourself into bad positions
- You can overtake a weaker champion and be weaker as in your Viego form
- You can posess a squishy enemy and get oneshotted afterwards
- You cant instantly re-use your Ultimate after it
As you can see, there are some things you have to consider in different situations. You should definitely think about possessing an enemy when you didnt hit level 6 yet, as it can easily seal you for 10 seconds into a bad form. Its also not worthy to choose a weak opponent, if its not for some important spells you could use (Like the

As flash doesnt cancel the channel, you can flash to your target and then release your W.

- You can use it to walk through enemy vision while still being unseen (Using it at the drake pit wall to cross the river without getting detected by the scuttle vision, for example)
- You can use it for pressure: Whereever the mist may be, you may be there, too, as long as they dont know your position. That can create some mental pressure onto enemies as they have to respect that. So dont save this ability for fights, use it here & there!
- You can also scout a bit deeper, as you will reveal everything you see to your team, but wont be detected that fast due to your camouflage.
- You can backport within your mist to get camouflaged while it.
Using your

On the other hand, all that can the other team do, too. Especially if they have a strong early jungler, like

First Clear:
You can start either Red, Blue or Raptors, go 3 Camps into gank/invade or fullclear into scuttle fight. I recommend to start red right now, then path for a fullclear and opt in for a gank if their is a very good opportunity, but otherwise dont cancel your clear and go lvl 4 before the scuttle spawns. Other cheesy option which i use quite some time is red->kruggs->raptors into an invade, forcing a fight at the enemy redbuff if my lanes pushed the enemy in.
You deal decent damage to objectives as drakes & the herald have huge HP-bars, which increase your Q passive damage. Never do the first drakes solo, especially the first drake, as it takes too long (especially when its a mountain drake). Only consider it doing solo when the enemy jungle got spotted toplane, the time invested doesnt take too long and your botlane can react to eventual moves of the enemies.
You can ambush enemies really good with Viego, roam fast around the map and catch them to increase your lead and get number advantages (Really good before objectives or important fights).
Teamfighting is a difficult kind of thing for you. DONT run in first, only initiate them when you can catch someone offguard, running into you. Otherwise, wait a bit until someone steps up into your team (usually frontline engager), or you are able to flank the enemy backline and finish them off. This doesnt mean that you should stand by and watch your team fighting, but consider the right timings & positionings to stay alive & get your resets. You can easily carry the fight afterwards and collect even the last living soul.
So, this is the end, my fellow friend, i hope you enjoyed to read my guide about Viego and will start to rule Runeterra as a real Viego main, spreading the black mist and terrorizing your opponents! FOR ISOLDE!
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