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League of Legends (LoL) Question: LUX IN THE JUNGLE?

Posted in Champions | Tags: Lux 840

  • morganajungle


    hello buddies. i have had a lot of fun playing morgana jungle and im really curious if its at all possible to play lux in the jungle. What would be the best items to build for her and what would her strengths/weaknesses be?

    please tell me if anyone has tried this and had any success with it!! :D
  • Answers (3)

    inspectratty | February 21, 2024 1:15am
    Lux Jungle has a 30.9% win rate with 0.0% pick rate in eloName and is currently ranked D tier. dino game
    willsaldana | February 20, 2024 10:57pm
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    Fruxo (326) | February 5, 2024 1:12pm
    Lux wasn't really ever meant to be played jungle, so I'm afraid to say that it won't be possible.

    It's true that in season 14 (and even 13 before), there are many champions that do perform very well in the jungle, that aren't typically junglers. However, Lux doesn't really fall into that category as one of them. You can clear decently well, although your cooldowns are extremely high already just playing her midlane, so taking her into the jungle will feel a lot worse. Ontop of that you also aren't really the best ganker and you'll have to rely on the enemy being pushed extremely hard or not miss your Q a single time, otherwise it's definitely going to fail no doubt.

    As for items, you'd look to build the same type of items as for midlane, they don't change. The only added extra is that you're buying a jungle egg (out of the 3 possible) to get a pet to jungle with.
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