If you know a Rengar otp is in queue ban it. This champ counters you, because elise wants to get her damage off as fast as possible. His lvl 1 invade is also annoying. His W cleanse also counters you.
Nunu & Willump
Another annoying matchup, but not seen as often anymore. He ganks much more often then you can and you can never really kill him. This matchup is still very winnable. AP Nunu is easier to deal with.
This is like Rengar and Nunu combined into one. Hard to 1v1 him because he takes ignite and he will constantly gank your laners or invade you. I suggest banning this if your low elo.
This champ is absolute cringe and Elo inflated trash. He will most likely full clear however he can invade to counter jungle or pull of cheesy lvl 3 ganks. His aoe damage makes 1v1s annoying but you should be able to just beat his weak early game. once he gets items in Shadow assassin this MU becomes very difficult. Rhaast is also difficult.
Farming champ. Just watch the objectives because she will do them very early.
This matchup is really bad for elise. Invade her in the early game with your red buff. and just try and make her fall behind so you can make plays before she outscales you.
Very annoying, You need to make sure that he doesn't take your buff level 1. So ask teamates to cover that and try and path buff to buff for this matchup. If all else fails just make sure you start red to guarantee a strong first gank.
He spam ganks like Nunu so it can be really annoying to deal with, but you can still win if your getting you and your team ahead.
Like the other tanks with weak clears, they are all vulnerable to early invades but can sometimes stall long enough to end your game. Zacs passive is very scary and if you don't kill him fast enough the enemy mid or top can roam quick enough. Zacs early game clear is one of the worsts, his E is on a very long CD lvl 1 so make sure to abuse that. If he manages to scale he completly counters your champion. Once hes level 4 and 5 he is going to start spam ganking with his leveled up E. Watch for counter ganks and abuse him if you know his passive is down.
The most obnoxious matchup imo. CC immunity, movespeed, shield, lifesteal, aoe. This champ has everything and theres barley anything you can do about it. Once he gets items it will be hard to 1v1 without help.
I hate this MU. She will just speedrun clears and take the camps while you gank. The items she builds will counter you and your team. I honestly dont know how to win this matchup.
Xin Zhao
This champ is nearly impossible to 1v1, and he will prob build defensive items making fights and peeling =him really hard.
Elise favoured, but sometimes she can just kill you in 1v1 due to conqueror stacking. So fight with caution. The best strategy would be to bait her to ult you and u rappel it for your team.
Graves is a nightmare champ for everyone, but your champ counters his. Your spiderlings can block his AA. Graves will always be healthy in the jg so invading wont always work without some help.
You can't 1v1 him ever so just avoid and make your plays.
Lee Sin
Elise favoured, however Lee Sin can still win this matchup and ruin your day. If he hits q dodge the dmg last second with rappel to stall time for your teamates to come or escape.
Good Nidalees can me your life in the jungle really hard. I think this matchup is the most even one out there. If she hits spear your probably not going to win the 1v1.
This matchup is really easy if your solo laners are playing strong early game champions that gain prio, because that will allow you to ruin her life in the jungle.
Nocturne is really strong right now. To beat him make sure you dont waste cocoon on his spellshield. You can rappel his fear duration fully if you time it right. This matchup is similar to evelynn
This MU can seem bad but your champ should be able to just fight him early and kill him, you can also invade since hecarim always full clears.
If he snowballs out of controll this matchup is doomed. His early game is pretty weak and so you should have the upper advantage for a while.
This champion is really strong right now, so it is no longer only Elise favoured + she can build alot of items that counter you. But you champion still "counters" her.
Mostly favoured for Elise, but she has 2 ways to dodge cocoon. if you miss cocoon just disenegage from the 1v1. She will kill you if you have no way to get close to her. Later on you need to cocoon her specifically to prevent her from ulting. Becareful of an early invade lvl 2.
You counter him for the most part but like Ekko he can snowball out of control if you don't accomplish anything or make a mistake. Kha zix wins this by ulting your cocoon duration. Try invading if he is full clearing.
I literally have no idea i think this matchup is like an easier version of sejuani and rammus
Your champ counters his because he is relativley squishy in the early game and he has to run at your face letting you cocoon him.
You can't 1v1 him. But he is generally not much of a problem later. Try and cocoon him when he ults your teammates and when he fighting either rappel his ult or fear and dont blow your abilities when he uses his E similar to master yi W.
Honestly, this matchup can go both ways. You should always save rappel to dodge his ult. And make it your mission to either take over the game or invade his ass. if he takes his exhuast he cant flash away on your first invade so just rappel its duration if he times it poorly and kill him. He will win if the game goes on too long.
Master Yi
After the Yi buffs, this matchup has gotten more difficult. Your champ still counters him so it should still be fine.
Mumu jungle sometimes just feels broken after his champ recieved buffs. But you should be able to play agressivley and invade.
Jarvan IV
A fair matchup.
This is the best top laner with Elise. Always path to him first and just towerdive or gank the enemy laner they will die. Make sure you take the aggro early for him, sometimes top laners like to throw.
A good Thresh is really nice to play with on a high tempo jungler like Elise. Always camp this lane and ping when your going in.
Similar to thresh, high cc lockdown is great with Elise to guarantee a kill.
Strong AD midlaner who can roam with you very ideal.
AD midlaner who can roam with you.
Probably the best adc to have on your team both of you snowball super hard.
Your Spider Q can actually proc his passive which is super nice to gank with.
Lots of kill pressure and pick potential with Blitz on your team.
Similar to Renekton, very strong laner. Lots of dive potential. Also you can both drop tower aggro which is funny.
Similar to Renekton and Kled, but less damage. Level 6 you can both drop tower aggro for a total of two times.
Twisted Fate
This is really bad for both of you because merc treads deletes both your characters.
This is the best top laner with Elise. Always path to him first and just towerdive or gank the enemy laner they will die. Make sure you take the aggro early for him, sometimes top laners like to throw.
A good Thresh is really nice to play with on a high tempo jungler like Elise. Always camp this lane and ping when your going in.
Similar to thresh, high cc lockdown is great with Elise to guarantee a kill.
Strong AD midlaner who can roam with you very ideal.
AD midlaner who can roam with you.
Probably the best adc to have on your team both of you snowball super hard.
Your Spider Q can actually proc his passive which is super nice to gank with.
Lots of kill pressure and pick potential with Blitz on your team.
Similar to Renekton, very strong laner. Lots of dive potential. Also you can both drop tower aggro which is funny.
Similar to Renekton and Kled, but less damage. Level 6 you can both drop tower aggro for a total of two times.
Twisted Fate
This is really bad for both of you because merc treads deletes both your characters.
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