One of your best ADC pairs by FAR. Kog already gets bonus range from his W, and while paired with the extra attack range from your W he will be shredding entire teams from miles away.
Smolder pairs really well with Milio. One of Smolder's biggest problems is his Q range that he needs to mitigate with Rapidfire Cannon, but your W can help him out a lot to stay safe in teamfights. You also both scale incredibly well.
Corki and Milio are BROKEN together after his rework into a crit ADC. With how much damage Corki can deal, giving him extra range on his autos to do it helps him stay safe while even dealing more damage because of your passive.
Lucian goes pretty crazy with a Milio. Your W will constantly give him his empowered auto, and this combined with your own passive damage will be a LOT of bonus magic damage on every auto attack. Lucian's burst is already very high, but with Milio he'll be able to output crazy amounts of damage from really far away.
Caitlyn and Milio play so well together. Her already high attack range pairs well with your W steroid letting her harass the enemy from crazy far away. She also appreciates your shields and cleanse to keep her safe.
Draven likes enchanters, especially when the enchanter can give him bonus attack range, movement speed, and damage. Paired with a good Draven, you two will be raking in kills and gold nonstop.
A great pair for Milio. Her passive will help you scale quicker with levels while also giving you some of your own heals and shields back to you. She also appreciates your W attack range since any extra range she can get will help to keep her safe. She also really appreciates your ult's CC cleanse.
Jinx and Milio can make for a pretty scary duo if Jinx gets ahead early, and they also scale extremely well together. She gets bonus range on her rockets to combine with your W and she really appreciates your peel. It won't be as strong as a Kog'maw duo, but it'll make for a scary late game combo.
Ashe and Milio pair really well together. Ashe's auto attack slow is pretty brutal combined with the extra attack range on your W, and you can easily run people down to get a kill or a flash.
Twitch is pretty good for Milio, you just need to be careful with your W so you don't use it too early and reveal his location. Combined with Twitch's ult, though, your W will turn him into an artillery cannon that destroys everything in its path.
While she doesn't have direct synergy with shields anymore, Zeri still really appreciates what Milio offers. The extra attack range is nice for her, and she really appreciates your shields and CC cleanse.
Jhin is another good option to pair with Milio. In lane, you can combine your W with his 4th shot for some really long range and high damage poke. He also scales well with your passive since he gains tons of AD.
Sivir is pretty good with Milio. The bonus attack range helps her a lot since her range is pretty short, and she really likes to have your shield and cleanse for when her spell shield is down.
Milio plays pretty great with on-hit Varus. Varus really appreciates your extra attack range, and the shields and CC cleanse will help to keep him alive since he has no mobility. He also appreciates your extra damage in lane with his poke.
Vayne is pretty OK for Milio. She appreciates your extra attack range since hers is really short, and you can help to keep her alive a lot longer. You will definitely want an Ardent Censer for her.
Miss Fortune
If your Miss Fortune is more auto attack based then you're actually pretty good together, but currently the meta is to go full lethality poke, which is just okay. Early on she can't really make use of your passive when trying to get her empowered Q because the damage will apply to the minion instead, but she likes having your shields and CC cleanse.
Aphelios has better options for an enchanter. In the early game he is pretty ability based, so your range increase doesn't do as much as it seems in theory. His early game is also pretty awful, and you don't do a whole lot to help shore that up other than trying to keep him alive with shields.
This combo is just okay. While Tristana likes the extra range since it helps her to blow up her bombs from farther away, her E range doesn't scale with your W like it does her passive so she still needs to walk in to put the bomb on. She also likes to be pretty aggressive, so you're better off picking a champion more suited for that with Tristana.
He likes the extra damage from your passive on his Q, but you would be better off picking a champion like Sona or Nami since he can't take advantage of your W attack range very well.
Yasuo is pretty reliant on a support that can knock champs airborne. While Milio can, you're usually using your Q in response to an enemy engage rather than trying to engage with it.
Just don't. Kai'sa likes aggression while you like to safely scale into the late game. Your W attack range is pretty nice on her but these two champs just want different things out of the lane phase.
Samira is pretty awful with anything that's not a tank support since she can't play to her passive's strengths with the knockup extender or dash. Just don't play these two together.
Kalista wants a tank or her ult will kinda just get you killed. She also plays best in aggressive kill lanes while you want to be safer and scale up.
One of your best ADC pairs by FAR. Kog already gets bonus range from his W, and while paired with the extra attack range from your W he will be shredding entire teams from miles away.
Smolder pairs really well with Milio. One of Smolder's biggest problems is his Q range that he needs to mitigate with Rapidfire Cannon, but your W can help him out a lot to stay safe in teamfights. You also both scale incredibly well.
Corki and Milio are BROKEN together after his rework into a crit ADC. With how much damage Corki can deal, giving him extra range on his autos to do it helps him stay safe while even dealing more damage because of your passive.
Lucian goes pretty crazy with a Milio. Your W will constantly give him his empowered auto, and this combined with your own passive damage will be a LOT of bonus magic damage on every auto attack. Lucian's burst is already very high, but with Milio he'll be able to output crazy amounts of damage from really far away.
Caitlyn and Milio play so well together. Her already high attack range pairs well with your W steroid letting her harass the enemy from crazy far away. She also appreciates your shields and cleanse to keep her safe.
Draven likes enchanters, especially when the enchanter can give him bonus attack range, movement speed, and damage. Paired with a good Draven, you two will be raking in kills and gold nonstop.
A great pair for Milio. Her passive will help you scale quicker with levels while also giving you some of your own heals and shields back to you. She also appreciates your W attack range since any extra range she can get will help to keep her safe. She also really appreciates your ult's CC cleanse.
Jinx and Milio can make for a pretty scary duo if Jinx gets ahead early, and they also scale extremely well together. She gets bonus range on her rockets to combine with your W and she really appreciates your peel. It won't be as strong as a Kog'maw duo, but it'll make for a scary late game combo.
Ashe and Milio pair really well together. Ashe's auto attack slow is pretty brutal combined with the extra attack range on your W, and you can easily run people down to get a kill or a flash.
Twitch is pretty good for Milio, you just need to be careful with your W so you don't use it too early and reveal his location. Combined with Twitch's ult, though, your W will turn him into an artillery cannon that destroys everything in its path.
While she doesn't have direct synergy with shields anymore, Zeri still really appreciates what Milio offers. The extra attack range is nice for her, and she really appreciates your shields and CC cleanse.
Jhin is another good option to pair with Milio. In lane, you can combine your W with his 4th shot for some really long range and high damage poke. He also scales well with your passive since he gains tons of AD.
Sivir is pretty good with Milio. The bonus attack range helps her a lot since her range is pretty short, and she really likes to have your shield and cleanse for when her spell shield is down.
Milio plays pretty great with on-hit Varus. Varus really appreciates your extra attack range, and the shields and CC cleanse will help to keep him alive since he has no mobility. He also appreciates your extra damage in lane with his poke.
Vayne is pretty OK for Milio. She appreciates your extra attack range since hers is really short, and you can help to keep her alive a lot longer. You will definitely want an Ardent Censer for her.
Miss Fortune
If your Miss Fortune is more auto attack based then you're actually pretty good together, but currently the meta is to go full lethality poke, which is just okay. Early on she can't really make use of your passive when trying to get her empowered Q because the damage will apply to the minion instead, but she likes having your shields and CC cleanse.
Aphelios has better options for an enchanter. In the early game he is pretty ability based, so your range increase doesn't do as much as it seems in theory. His early game is also pretty awful, and you don't do a whole lot to help shore that up other than trying to keep him alive with shields.
This combo is just okay. While Tristana likes the extra range since it helps her to blow up her bombs from farther away, her E range doesn't scale with your W like it does her passive so she still needs to walk in to put the bomb on. She also likes to be pretty aggressive, so you're better off picking a champion more suited for that with Tristana.
He likes the extra damage from your passive on his Q, but you would be better off picking a champion like Sona or Nami since he can't take advantage of your W attack range very well.
Yasuo is pretty reliant on a support that can knock champs airborne. While Milio can, you're usually using your Q in response to an enemy engage rather than trying to engage with it.
Just don't. Kai'sa likes aggression while you like to safely scale into the late game. Your W attack range is pretty nice on her but these two champs just want different things out of the lane phase.
Samira is pretty awful with anything that's not a tank support since she can't play to her passive's strengths with the knockup extender or dash. Just don't play these two together.
Kalista wants a tank or her ult will kinda just get you killed. She also plays best in aggressive kill lanes while you want to be safer and scale up.
Hi, I'm Minh, a pretty casual ranked/ARAM player in NA. Support is my favorite role, and Milio has been my favorite champion recently. I wanted to write an in depth guide based on my own testing and experiences on how to best use this champion. It's currently a work in progress, though I have lots of notes in the notes section for my thoughts on builds I've chosen. Please enjoy!
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