If you face Camille on lane, after like LVL 3 she is really dangerous, she can cover a lot of ground really fast with her E, so play around the oposite wall.
After level 6 I think you just have to avoid her, or try to setup a freeze and play under turret.
One wrong move and you could end up in her ult with no option to escape, with such a low sustain as we have with Jinx, she doesn't have to have that much damage to finish you off.
If she doesn't have 6 it is one of the champions I mentioned earlier. Her only engage is her only escape. If she misses her E, she just has to hope somehow it will work out, so you can kite her down. But don't get caught up in her W slow, she could maybe run up to you and still finish you off.
Really annoying duelist with a lot of mobility you have to be careful around going too far when in lane phase, she could just chase you down the lane. But she shouldn't be able to get to you as easily as for example Camille is, but she also is able to be lot more evasive
Don't get caught up with his e far into the lane. He will just insta ghost and run you down. On the other hand, that the only problem, but he really excels at running you down. If you are playing around your turret, he suddenly becomes pretty easy to play around
Dr. Mundo
He has so much sustain, it will be hard to kill him. Stay away from his Q and he will not be able to reach you. If he plays ghost, just be careful if he freezes the lane, he could just ghost+ult and run you down the lane.
If you played vs Darius enough, you start to get, how he can be outplayed pretty easily. Main problem is, that almost all Darius players run Ghost. Consider matching his sums and also matching when he uses them. If you can juke his E, he cant really kill you at all if you match his ghost. If you can't juke his E's tho, you are going to need precisely match his flash, otherwise you could endup as his dinner when he uses flash+e to get you.
Another thing you can do if your reactions for flash aren't fast is to throw grenades underneath him when he flashes+E, it should get him exactly when his E ends and you are free to flash and run away, and you can combine it with you W after flash, when grenades are holding him, just to make sure he cannot follow.
If he used his flash+E, he can no longer just suddenly change distance between you for next few seconds.
Be really carefull. His Q doubled with his E can suddenly get you. If he gets you with one Q, you are in big trouble, because he could start chaining and use his flash to get you.
After 6 he is even bigger problem. I would consider trying to play around your turret poking him and holding your W distance, so he could do nothing.
Still care for for being to far in lane after 6, so he couldnt just run you down.
Watch out for his Qs. Your W has so much range, so just stay on your feet and dodge them.
If he doesnt land his Q, he has no range to land anything on you.
If he gets to melee range, you are in big trouble. You are squishy and his R does pure True damage. He doesn't need much to just NOM NOM NOM
Shoot his barrels and you will be set up for a good toplane. if he buys sheen just try not to trade short AA with him and rather hold on to long Q's and W. He is also pretty squishy, so it will not take many Ws to finish him off.
When ulting him, just be careful he doesn't have enough HP to just use W-orange and heal back up.
Also his orange will always get him out of your Grenades so be sure to take that into account.
Basically destroy barrels, don't let him near you and you are set up for success.
He scales really good tho, so in late game, if he didn't lose totally, he could one shot you easily, if you're not careful but with this build, you should be able to just snipe from the backlines.
Only suprise he has could be high movement speed or flash.
You have E for his engage with Q, but I would rather use w if you have enough time. It gives him more damage and slows enough to make him regret his choice. Also if you hit W first, he can cancel your slow if he uses his Q after, keep that in mind. Later he has high movement speed, you can match his flash with your flash.
Jump, Jump, Jump 5 stacks, right in your face, auto attacks you to eternity.
She has so much mobility that you cannot just simply solve. Really hard lane for you, so pay attention the whole time or you could be just crying for the rest of the game.
One of the lanes where the only place for you to throw your E is as near you as possible most of the time, so if she wants to continue and chase you, she will for sure step into your grenades.
So important to poke her and be able to dodge her stun, play around your turret don;t get jumped on suddenly with stun and R.
If he is smart, be will build some burst vs you and is going to try and just always q+w on you for short trades. You can try to punish him by putting grenades underneath you and catching him when he jumpes on you to then chase after him and do as much damage as possible. Your W hurt him so much. You can try and predict his jump or react to it as its happening to W in his direction and then try to outrun his stun area.
If you are able to do that, than you can punish him big time.
Also careful, the higher level he is, the faster he has his Q back. He will be able to jump on you like every 5 seconds. Thats why it is so important to be able to react to his Qs with your W.
You can combine your global ults for more fun, maybe both of you can build axiom and max lethality just for more fun.
You can finish what he started with ult or vice versa.
You can combine your global ults for more fun, maybe both of you can build axiom and max lethality just for more fun.
You can finish what he started with ult or vice versa.
I have played League since season 1 (probably). I am a small content creator.
I am currently in Diamond with around 20 games this season and I was Diamond 1 in Season 13
I always had passion for playing games little differently and trying to think out of the box to suprise and mainly have fun.
That's what my youtube channel is all about.
This time I bring you build from my recent video about Lethality/MLG Jinx.
A lot of things that I am going to say are not going to be 100% correct.
These guides are just my point of view, so take it more as an inspiration than a complete manual to follow.
We Kill We Strong
Whenever a champion, epic jungle monster, or structure that Jinx has dealt damage to within the last 3 seconds is killed or destroyed, she gains 175% decaying movement speed and 25% attack speed for 6 seconds.
While using the rocket launcher, Jinx's attacks deal 110% of attack damage as physical damage to the target and nearby enemies, gains 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 / 200 attack range, costs 20 mana per rocket and scales 10% less with bonus attack speed.
While using the minigun, Jinx's attacks grant 30 / 55 / 80 / 105 / 130% attack speed for 2.5 seconds, stacking up to 3 times.
Fire-Hit-Slow-Repeat Jinx fires a shock blast that deals 10 / 60 / 110 / 160 / 210 (+1.6 per attack damage) physical damage to the first enemy hit, slows them by 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80%, and reveals them for 2 seconds.
Stop Right There You Criminal S Jinx tosses out 3 chompers that last for 5 seconds. They explode on contact with enemy champions, rooting them for 1.5 seconds and dealing 70 / 120 / 170 / 220 / 270 (+100% of ability power) magic damage to nearby enemies.
We Are Getting Out of Rift With This One
Jinx fires a rocket that explodes on the first enemy champion hit, dealing between 32.5 / 47.5 / 62.5 (+0.165 per bonus attack damage)plus 25 / 30 / 35% of target's missing health to 325 / 475 / 625 (+1.65 per bonus attack damage) plus 25 / 30 / 35% of target's missing health as physical damage, gaining damage over the first second of travel time. Nearby enemies take 80% damage.
Missing health damage cannot exceed 1200 against monsters.
Why you should try this build ?
+ Different + Opponents can't counterpick + Ultimate Always Up + You can Become Sniperino + Really High Damage from Abilitties + Pretty good poke + If you are fed you can just stay on one place and ult + When maxing W, it does ridiculous damage with this build
- You are going to get flamed - Doesn't have good form of escape - Really squishy
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