Aphelios Ability (LoL): Moonlight Vigil
Moonlight Vigil Aphelios

Range: 1300
Cooldown: 120
/ 110
/ 100
Cost: 100
Then, Aphelios attacks all champions hit with his main-hand weapon, applies the unique effect of Aphelios' main-han weapon.
Calibrum: Marks added this way deal an additional 50 / 80 / 110 physical damage each when consumed (depending on level).
Severum: Aphelios restores 275 / 400 / 525 health (depending on level).
Gravitum: Slow strength increased to 99%. Binding Eclipse's Root effect is increased to 1.35 seconds against these targets.
Infernum: The moonlight blast deals an additional 50 / 100 / 150 (+0.25 per bonus attack damage) physical damage, and the subsequent attacks explode, each dealing 90% of their damage to surrounding targets (depending on level).
Crescendum: Summons an additional 5 mirror Chakrams.
2. He gets the normal ultimate, without it being a special one depending on weapons, basically meaning this ability but without any extra abilities that would come from the weapons that