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Recommended Items
+10% Attack Speed
+10-180 Bonus Health
+65 Base Health
Ability Order ALWAYS GO
Goes Where He Pleases (PASSIVE)
Dr. Mundo Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Amumu has the hard CC that Mundo lacks, so he is great for ganks in lane and big ults in late game team fights. He gets bonus points for being a magic damage dealer.
Amumu has the hard CC that Mundo lacks, so he is great for ganks in lane and big ults in late game team fights. He gets bonus points for being a magic damage dealer.
Champion Build Guide
NOTE: This guide will be turned into a more fleshed out guide as I play more games and can fill out the synergies and threats. I will also add an entire written section as well.
I have found so far that most Mundo Mid matchups are even or winning.
- If you play it right, poke matchups shouldn't be a problem. Having D Shield + Second Wind + Passive sustain means that you will die very rarely in these matchups. Also being able to poke back with Q + Comet + Scorch, you actually often out poke them and can get free kills with Ghost and Ult.
- The hardest matchups are champions that are really strong early game. The early game is when Mundo is at his weakest, but in Midlane you can usually survive by playing safe and last hitting with Q, even in tougher matchups.
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