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League of Legends (LoL) Question: mundo skin rework

Posted in Champions | Tags: Dr. Mundo 2,526

  • Santixpro7

    mundo skin rework

    lo unico que quiero preguntar es cuando cambiaran las imagenes para el rework de mundo ya que las skins ya tienen splash arts asi que deberian cambiarlo
  • Answers (1)

    0Banda (19) | May 25, 2021 6:51pm
    Las skins cambian al mismo tiempo al que sale el rework (9 de Junio, osea 11.12) puedes ver las nuevas skins con sus habilidades y splash arts aquí

    (Translated): The new skins of Mundo rework will be going out at the same time as Mundo rework gets into the game (9th of June, so in 11.12) you can see the new skins with their abilities and splash arts over here
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