League of Legends (LoL) Item: Muramana
Total Price: 2900 | Recipe Price: 0 | Sell Price: 2030
- 15 Ability Haste
- 35 Attack Damage
- 860 Mana
UNIQUE Passive: Grants bonus attack damage equal to 2.5% maximum mana.
UNIQUE Passive: Basic attacks on-hit against champions deal 1.5% maximum mana bonus physical damage. Damaging abilities against champions deal (3.5% for Melee / 2.7% for Ranged) maximum mana (+6% AD) bonus physical damage. Can only be triggered once every 6.5 seconds from the same attack or cast.
- 15 Ability Haste
- 35 Attack Damage
- 860 Mana
UNIQUE Passive: Grants bonus attack damage equal to 2.5% maximum mana.
UNIQUE Passive: Basic attacks on-hit against champions deal 1.5% maximum mana bonus physical damage. Damaging abilities against champions deal (3.5% for Melee / 2.7% for Ranged) maximum mana (+6% AD) bonus physical damage. Can only be triggered once every 6.5 seconds from the same attack or cast.
Yep, SPAM THE Gs. Mixed damage while dealing a heck ton of it.
this is ad guys what ryze has to do with it
for ryze u should buy Seraph's Embrace
Some Syndra builds involve getting Muramana as well because it lets her ult basically one shoc from the Shock procs. Also she can clean up a kill with her auto MUCH easier if the enemy manages to survive the burst with a little bit of health, and for many mages that's a sadly common occurrence where they just barely lack the dps on an auto to clean up the kill.
Yep, SPAM THE Gs. Mixed damage while dealing a heck ton of it.
this is ad guys what ryze has to do with it
for ryze u should buy Seraph's Embrace
Cause it doesnt says that it is unique
Gonna be OP
is this good for sivir?
It can work just fine, I don't recommend it though.
Some Syndra builds involve getting Muramana as well because it lets her ult basically one shoc from the Shock procs. Also she can clean up a kill with her auto MUCH easier if the enemy manages to survive the burst with a little bit of health, and for many mages that's a sadly common occurrence where they just barely lack the dps on an auto to clean up the kill.