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Galio Build Guide by BaLoRi

My Full Magic Pen & Immortal Galio Season 14 Builds

My Full Magic Pen & Immortal Galio Season 14 Builds

Updated on June 20, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author BaLoRi Build Guide By BaLoRi 508 56 1,460,040 Views 26 Comments
508 56 1,460,040 Views 26 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author BaLoRi Galio Build Guide By BaLoRi Updated on June 20, 2024
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Runes: Max Pen Runes

1 2 3 4
Arcane Comet
Manaflow Band

Sudden Impact
Ultimate Hunter

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Champion Build Guide

My Full Magic Pen & Immortal Galio Season 14 Builds

By BaLoRi
About Me

Hello everyone,

My nickname is BaLoRi, I am an Educational Content Creator/Streamer part of Fnatic and FNC Network.
This Mobafire profile and the guides I am creating meant to explain my unique playstyle and build theory to my Community and make my Balorians even stronger 🔥
All the guides that I am creating are ONLY for champions that will give you 70%+ win ratio and these are the very same builds that I am using to rank up without trying.

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Lets now start with our OP Galio Build guide and how to win games easier than ever!
An introduction to Full Magic Penetration Galio Build
Let’s start with WHY our build is and will always be the STRONGEST!

To understand what Magic Penetration offering you, you need to actually read some in-game stats and then realize why this stat is the most important to have in this game, but not while buying it BLINDLY (just stack it and expect to work) but to buy each item with the order that we will explain here, only by this you will have the best results possible and win all of your games easily!

Magic Penetration: Magic penetration is a champion statistic which allows the magic damage done from their abilities, enhanced attacks, etc. to ignore some or all of a target's magic resistance.

Lets have an example for you to understand and compare the damage to the target WITH and WITHOUT Magic Penetration!
Lets say you have a Target with 100 Magic Resist and 3000 HP
And you got 40 Flat and 40% Magic Penetration while having 400+AP
No Magic Pen Example:
Lets say that your skill is saying that its doing 1000 total damage, the number that you are reading on the skill is not the actual damage that you will do on the target, the 1000 damage will be reduced by 50% cause of the 100 Magic Resist of the target, so that means your actual damage from that skill will be 500!
With a Full Magic Pen build:
Your skill still doing 1000 total damage, but now cause of your Magic Penetration the target will have REDUCED RESISTANCES, lets see how you are calculating it to realize the actual damage, first you calculating the % magic pen resistances and then the flat number and they you are calculating how much "damage reduction" will do from the remaining magic resistance!
100 Mr - 40%(Percent Magic Pen) = 60 MR - 40 Flat Magic Pen = 20 Remaining Magic Resist of the target, this 20 MR means that the target will reduce only the 18% of the damage from your skills (Instead of 50% that it was with 100 MR)
that means the 1000 damage skill will now do 820 DAMAGE instead of 500 DAMAGE To understand the difference, in order for you to do 820 DAMAGE you needed without having penetration, you need to have 1340+ AP for your skill to have total damage of 1640 and do only 820 DMG to the target cause of the magic resist!

Check out what our Full Magic Penetration Galio with MAX R CDR Build Can really do here:

Now that you can understand how this works, calculate it to ANY SOURCE OF MAGIC DAMAGE YOU WILL DO, that means, skills, items and dragon buffs, everything will do to the targets close to TRUE or even at some cases BONUS DAMAGE to the targets and make you a total monster!

But is it just that? Ok you will have damage, but are you going to have enough sustain to not die? OF COURSE YES! With our Full Build you will have 400+AP(at least) plus 3400+HP (if you go for Warmog's Armor) and cause of your Shield of Durand it will be hard or close to IMPOSSIBLE for you to die full late game! While of course having the ability to instant kill all the targets!

Now, if you want a different approach to this Monster, we also got another Galio Build, the IMMORTAL VERSION, that is not described in our guide below, but it got the detailed explaination in the Notes of the items/runes/skills above and its literally FREE ELO is our Immortal Galio one, you can see its power and see the runes and explaination about what we are using in the following video and by checking its description:

FINAL FORM of Immortal Galio 3x Shield Build Version:

Now that you know how our Galio builds will look like, lets go into details about the Runes and later on the right item order!
Secret Behind Runes
Its time to learn HOW and WHY the max Pen Galio will always going to be the Strongest!!
Lets first start with the runes:

Arcane Comet One of the strongest runes for damage in the game, non stop damage with your skills that will also reduce the CD of the rune, that means, that in late game, you will have your Arcane Comet in less than 3 seconds! Your full combo will instant refresh the rune and you will activate Arcane Comet just by doing E-HIT-Q-W Arcane Comet CD will be reduced by all the Galio skills, Q, W, E, R and PASSIVE!

Manaflow Band Extra 250 mana plus mana regain, one of the most important runes for our Galio, it will secure letting you spam your skills as long as you want!

Transcendence Bonus ability haste and also CD Ability REDUND with each kill/assist, that means you will always have your Q-W-E as long as you keep killing the targets while engaging, something INSANELY IMPORTANT and powerful!

Scorch This might be one of the MOST IMPORTANT runes together with Cheap Shot
after 1 second you will damage your enemies with 15 − 35 (based on level) bonus magic damage, that means, that you will prolong the Liandry's Torment effect by at least 2 more seconds, that means more %HP burn damage!!

Sudden Impact Bonus True damage after you are using your Justice Punch - Hero's Entrance that means you can activate it from Level 2 to maximize your damage and keep it activate ALL FIGHT LONG in full late game!

Ultimate Hunter The best choice that will let you maximize your impact in teamfights cause if they stay in the range of your skill they will receive instantly 500+ damage and knock up and if they LEAVE THE RANGE of the skill they will waste time and die from the rest of your team while fighting! And if you choose to go for Malignance the CD of your ultimate will go EVEN LOWER, making it even more worthy to use while also reducing the Magic Resist of the targets except just damaging them!

Remember, cause of your Full Magic Pen that we talked about above you will do close to TRUE or even BONUS damage from your skills and items as well, that means your Arcane Comet Scorch and Liandry's Torment will be doing an insanely big amount of damage and you will keep them and re-use them all THE TIME while fighting!
Secret Behind Items
Let’s start talking about the exact way to play our Full Magic Penetration Galio!

As start items you got two options.

1. Start with Dark Seal and Refillable Potion the reason that with this build we are starting like that, is cause Galio as a champion got high amount of HP and even more sustain with the passive, personally I like playing with Refillable Potion cause in lane phase it will give you bonus hp-generation that together with Manaflow Band will let you remain in lane as long as you want!
Also we will keep Dark Seal till literally FULL LATE GAME, the stacks that you will have (Trust me always 10) will let you have a start item that its stats will worth more than 1500 Gold!

2. Start with Doran's Ring and of course two pots, this will give you much more mana sustain as well, cause the bonus mana regeneration together with your Manaflow Band will let you spam your skills a little bit more early than before!

Now for your first back, if you started with Dark Seal then you will buy a Doran's Ring if you started with Doran's Ring you will buy a Dark Seal, this combo of items will give you an early, super cheap powerspike that will help you get through the lane phase but also use the item stats for much later till you start getting your 4th Core item and sell Doran's Ring.
Remember, each start item got high gold efficiency, that means while paying for 400 Gold Doran's Ring and 350 Gold Dark Seal you will have 631.5 Gold worth of stats with Doran's Ring and Up to 1329.58 Gold with Dark Seal on Full Stacks!!
As you can see, these two items, will give you stats that worth up to 1,961.08 Gold, almost like having an entire item with literally only 750 Gold!
And also if you end up selling them, you will have back some of the gold, cause start items are TEMP ONES, making them even more gold efficient!!!

But let’s continue, the next item you will buy is Lost Chapter it will give you AP, Mana, ability haste and literally infinity amount of mana to spam your skills non stop, then we can choose with which build we should play with.
Our First choice will always going to be Luden's Companion this item will give us AP, Ability haste, Mana and a Burst damage effect that will let you overpower any laner against you!

Second Option is if we wanna play with a more Teamfight-Focus on Ultimate build and finish Lost Chapter into Malignance, this item will give you AP, Ability haste, ULTIMATE HASTE, Mana and an effect that will be on only if you are using your R, making you damage champions more but also reducing their magic resist, a very powerful effect, espcially for Galio that can use the ultimate from a long distance and also cause of the combination of Ultimate Hunter to spam an Ultimate with one of the longest CD times, more frequently that you can imagine!

The next item that we will start building is going to be Cryptbloom this item will give you what you need, AP, %Magic Penetration, Ability haste and now a AOE HEAL EFFECT that will activate after a kill or assist, helping you and your teammates receive a certain amount of health back after killing a target!

The 3rd item that we will start building is going to be Liandry's Torment a powerful item that will give you AP, HP and a burn effect max%HP but also a bonus damage effect!

For 4th Item, we got some different approach on what we wanna do. If you wanna go for a balance between damage and sustain, then you will play with Cosmic Drive, this will give you insane stats, AP, HP, MS and after damaging the a target even more movement speed making you EVEN FASTER! The reason we are playing with Cosmic Drive is not only the stats that are powerful, but also for the HP EFFECT, by having this item then we can finish building into Warmog's Armor, the HP limit to use the passive effect of this item is 1300 bonus health, with the items: Liandry's Torment, Cosmic Drive and Warmog's Armor we will have EXACT 1300 BONUS HEALTH and will let us fully use Warmog's Armor passive our of combat effect that will let us be full hp literally ALL GAME LONG!

For last item you got the following choices:

1. As we talked above, Warmog's Armor is One of the strongest items for sustain, super useful for us! And our best choice, in all of my games I am preferring this, over the damage option, the reason behind it is cause in fights what is important is not only how fast you will kill the target, but also how healthy you will be after it, imagine having the damage to one-shot an entire team, 4000+HP and also the ability to go FULL HP simply just by walking out of the combat for few seconds… And cause we are going to grab a Blue elixir or blue buff we will also have high mana regain, making you be FULL HP and FULL MANA in all fight long, outdamaging and outsustaining any champion no matter who or how powerful they think they are!

2. Rabadon's Deathcap A FULL AP Only DAMAGE item that is only worth if you get it late game, this item will increase your damage to its absolute limits, it might not be the sustain type of Warmog's Armor but its going to be the damage type to clear an entire enemy team just by hitting something with your Q-W combo, that’s what you need to kill any target, be it a FULL TANK or an ASSASSIN, nothing will be able to survive against your damage now!

3. Stormsurge Another powerful choice, that will give you bonus AP, Magic Penetration, ms and an active burst damage effect that will do bonus damge but also give you ms and gold! You can also build this item before Cosmic Drive as 4th item if you don't wanna go for Warmog's Armor to fully use the effect!
Especially for the Malignance build order, to add this item will make you way stronger than you think!!

3. Kaenic Rookern this will be a bit of surpirse but I am putting it last to explain. If you got a lot of magic damage against you and you don't wanna play with the IMMORTAL GALIO Build then you got the following option. Get this item as 4th instead of Cosmic Drive and then buy Warmog's Armor as last item.
Kaenic Rookern will give you HP, MR and a HUGE MAGIC SHIELD that will stack together with your W and make you unkillable from magic damage, now, Warmog's Armor will increase your HP even further, making your Magic shields to extend their limits, even for a DAMAGE BUILD you will have sustain for magic damage that extends that of any tank you might have in your game!! An item combo, only possible in season 14 and the new changes and thats why we love playing in it. Cause now we don't have the limits of certain item choices, but also combo of items that no one expected before!!

The full item damage build will look like this:
Luden's Companion Cryptbloom Sorcerer's Shoes Liandry's Torment Cosmic Drive and Warmog's Armor plus ALWAYS remember to buy Elixir of Sorcery for the extra AP, mana regain and TRUE Damage!!

The full Immortal build will look like this:

Sunfire Aegis Kaenic Rookern Mercury's Treads Jak'Sho, The Protean Winter's Approach and Spirit Visage plus ALWAYS remember to buy Elixir of Iron for the extra HP and of course tenacity to make yourself unstoppable!
My Strategy to Follow
Lets talk about the strategy here. To play with Galio inst only use his PURE Strength as your weapon, like any other WARS, at league you need to use your HEAD as well to win the game.
So lets talk about what you need to focus.

Creeps(FOCUS on FARM): The most important thing is to focus on your farm, you need to farm fast and if you can kill all the creeps without missing even one. This way you will take the lead from your enemy champion, dont be afraid to use your skills for last hits even at the 1 level.

Learn how To improve your Farming and Wave Management by watching our League Masterclass:

Stay Alive: To not to die at lane and not have any kills is more worth than to be 3-3 or 4-4 with your enemy Lane champion.
Your build focusing to be the strongest at the MID-Late game, doesn't matter if you cant kill now, focus on farm and you will be able to show your true Strength at the right time of the game.

Hide & Seek Strategy: Cause of your Justice Punch and Hextech Rocketbelt you have great tools to reach the target easily from INSIDE THE BUSHES, that wont let your enemies reach and kill them instantly, cause the moment you hit your E-HIT you will then activate your Q and INSTANTLY you will press the W to secure that the target wont "Get away" and receive the max damage possible from your skills-runes!

Even if you won’t kill your enemy, they will start losing focus from this strategy.
They wont be able to go close to cs, and lose EXP-FARM so after doing this a couple of times the game is yours.

The combos that you can do with Galio are SIMPLE yet incredible powerful, use your Justice Punch to engage that will activate Sudden Impact afterwards that means extra damage for the skills that you will use after that, after hitting the target with Justice Punch you instantly using a HIT, its important to do so, to apply the damage from your passive and you will have it again at the end of the combo few seconds later, then you will use instantly your Q Winds of War and activate your W Shield of Durand to keep the target at the same spot to receive the MAX DAMAGE possible from your Winds of War and also apply the followings: Arcane Comet, Scorch, Luden's Companion, Liandry's Torment and cause of your FULL MAGIC PEN BUILD you will apply all these damage effects as PURE or even BONUS DAMAGE on low Magic resist targets, then at the end of the combo you will have the Arcane Comet again that will be activated by your passive that you will ALSO HAVE it AGAIN!
Overall with the 50+ Ability haste that we will have, you will have your skills all the time within seconds giving you the ability to POKE THE TARGETS AS WELL without even going in with just using your Justice Punch plus your Winds of War and just apply damage cause of the combination of the skills-runes-items till you are ready to ENGAGE or even better till one of your teammates engage and use your R on them to apply to the entire enemy team your INSANE DAMAGE from Hero's Entrance that will also activate Sudden Impact

Wanna Rank up even faster? Then Watch our League Masterclass about Ranking up:
So remember the most important thing in this game is FARMING and to STAY ALIVE to overpower and kill them all will come as long as you focusing on these two things! Our Full Magic Penetration Galio build will always be the strongest in late game, no matter how bad you play early, clear all the waves, get your gold that you need, use your Ultimate to help MID or even BOT to get some assists/kills, play with focus and you will always end up VICTORIOUS! Our different Galio match ups below will show you how to play this champion and WIN even while you are behind!
Reason Behind My Spells
Lots of my Subs and followers from YouTube and social asking me "Why are you not playing with teleport TOP?"
and the answer is simple and i will give it to all of you as well.

Im playing always with Flash and Ignite Top, for the following reason, Teleport is a skill for any of players don't have enough confident in theirselves that they can DESTROY the enemy TOP laner.
Its as simple as that, Teleport can be used to Come back after a fast back or go to other lane and "Help" your team.
The reason all playing with Teleport is cause they want to find the "easy" answer behind the top lane "go help others and exp there", i cant judge them really, but if you really want to say yourself that you actually won the TOP Lane then you need to do it SOLO.

Destroy your enemy not only by killing him but also by making him build TOO MUCH MR that he don't need.
All my tanky enemies building full MR Items, cant do anything else cause if they wont they will just die from me over and over again.
But by forcing them doing that the BEST WAY to counter them its to simple change lane, send your ADC TOP with your Support and go BOT 1vs2, after destroying TOP its the time to destroy BOT as well.

Doing something as simple as that you can change the ENTIRE balance of the game. The Full MR Tank top wont stand a chance vs the ADC and SUPPORT and their ADC and SUPPORT wont stand a chance vs the FULL Magic Pen You.
I did this countless of times and always winning the game at the end.

TIP: Lots of you will think "but when my team need me i can teleport there", NO. You dont need to teleport there. You can be there by foot, in Galio case you can LITERALLY JUMP from half the map away with your Hero's Entrance and help your teammates win any kind of fight! If you cant join and help them, then continue with the OBJECTIVES, push your lane destroy towers take Dragons with your jungler etc.
Almost every rush TP to help BOT or MID Lane end up by being all DEAD together with you.
Cause when you TP, you suddenly change the entire MAP Phase, you going somewhere where you will be 100% seen and try to either Dodge your skills or Kill you first.
So go by foot, and go from behind them by using the FOR OF WAR.

In our Youtube videos you will understand FULLY how to use our gamestyle, be sure to watch our gameplays and you will for sure be ALWAYS VICTORIOUS!
Different Match ups vs My Galio Season 14 Build
Galio vs Sion
Galio vs Teemo
Galio vs Kayle (Immortal build)
Galio vs Shen (Immortal Build)
Galio vs Urgot (Magic Pen Build)
Galio vs Jax (Ap Pen Max R CDR)
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