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Bard Build Guide by Clarkened

Support My off-meta Bard builds

Support My off-meta Bard builds

Updated on March 21, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Clarkened Build Guide By Clarkened 5,078 Views 0 Comments
5,078 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Clarkened Bard Build Guide By Clarkened Updated on March 21, 2024
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    Snowfall on Judgment Day
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Dark Harvest
Cheap Shot
Zombie Ward
Ingenious Hunter

Cosmic Insight
Future's Market

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Champion Build Guide

My off-meta Bard builds

By Clarkened
Snowfall on Judgment Day

Item Sequence

Zaz'Zak's Realmspike 400
Hextech Alternator 1100
Redemption 2300
Sorcerer's Shoes 1100
Luden's Companion 2900
Liandry's Torment 3000


This was heavily inspired by Divine Vigilante by Bardjo on "10 builds and a cringe guide for drunk people playing Bard". It's a great guide and I truly recommend checking it if you haven't yet.

This build is based on killing your opponents using Redemption and Tempered Fate.


- Hextech Alternator is your first buy alongside Boots. This will allow you to play more aggressively and get easier Dark Harvest stacks. Hextech Alternator will be upgraded into Luden's Companion later.

- Redemption is the firstcore item of the build. This is why you pick the Item Haste runes. Spam Redemption to get Dark Harvest and Ingenious Hunter stacks.

- Sorcerer's Shoes are bought after Redemption, you should also have already stacked Zaz'Zak's Realmspike at this point.

- Luden's Companion is your second full item. Keep in mind that Cosmic Insight and Ingenious Hunter also work with it.

- Hextech Alternator is your third FULL ITEM. As soon as you upgrade the first one into Luden's Companion, you should buy a second one.

- Liandry's Torment is always your last item. This is a good item for Bard overall and fits the build well.

Important comments

- Redemption will proc Zaz'Zak's Realmspike, Luden's Companion, Hextech Alternator, Liandry's Torment and Dark Harvest. This should deal a lot of damage.

- If you have Hextech Alternator up, Tempered Fate will proc all your items and Dark Harvest. Since enemies will be invulnerable for 2.5 seconds, Zaz'Zak's Realmspike won't do damage and Liandry's Torment will burn only for one tick. Hextech Alternator, Luden's Companion and Dark Harvest will deal full damage.

- This build was made for killing enemies with Redemption and Tempered Fate, but keep in mind that you also deal a lot of damage with your passive Traveler's Call and your Q Cosmic Binding.

- Hextech Alternator and Redemption are very strong power spikes. This is why you should always pick Future's Market on the runes.

- The second Hextech Alternator could be upgraded into Shadowflame. Remember that this WILL reduce your Redemption damage and WILL make killing enemies with Tempered Fate impossible. It's just a better item for combat.

The Human Equation

Item Sequence

Celestial Opposition 400
Ionian Boots of Lucidity 950
Imperial Mandate 2300
Ardent Censer 2300
Staff of Flowing Water 2300
Dawncore 2700


This is probably one of the strongest, yet one of the hardest builds in this guide.

This build is focused on buffing your entire team by proccing Font of Life on multiple enemies with your passive Traveler's Call.


- Imperial Mandate is always your first buy (after boots). It increases your team's damage when you slow or immobilize an enemy. This works with your passive Traveler's Call, your Q Cosmic Binding and also your ultimate Tempered Fate.

- Ardent Censer and Staff of Flowing Water should be the second and the third items depending on your team composition. These items only work on Bard because of your runes. You can proc Font of Life on multiple enemies by abusing your passive's AOE (15 chimes, increased at 35). When allies attack enemies marked by Font of Life they will get healed and buffed by Ardent Censer and Staff of Flowing Water.

- Dawncore is the last item. Since this build has a lot of mana regeneration, it will give you good stats. It also decreases the cooldown of your summoner's spells.

Important comments

- This build makes you want to auto attack enemies, but, at the same time, it makes you very squishy. This is why you should choose Celestial Opposition as your support item and Flash and Heal as your summoner's spells.

- Ionian Boots of Lucidity work well with Dawncore and Cosmic Insight. They will decrease your Flash and Heal cooldown by a lot.

- YOU also get buffed by Ardent Censer and Staff of Flowing Water when you heal allies. Heal buffs both you and an ally (abuse it).

- It is usualy better building Ardent Censer before Staff of Flowing Water. If your team doesn't rely on auto attacks to deal damage and has good AP carries, building Staff of Flowing Water before should be better.

- Dawncore fits the build perfectly. It is currently one of the weakest items in the game and I expect it to get buffed soon. The buffs should make the build even better.

- Take Second Wind against poke and Bone Plating against engage supports.

- Hextech Flashtraption is optional. Future's Market and Biscuit Delivery are also possible.

Distance Over Time
Distance Over Time

Item Sequence

Zaz'Zak's Realmspike 400
Boots of Swiftness 900
Shurelya's Battlesong 2200
Cosmic Drive 3000
Mejai's Soulstealer 1600
Lich Bane 3100


Probably the strongest and the hardest build of this guide.

This is focused on building Movement Speed items. It is great for roaming and short trades, Cosmic Drive helps you deal damage and dodge all skillshots!


- Shurelya's Battlesong is the first item of the build alongside Boots of Swiftness. This item has nice stats and a good active effect. It gives the AP and the Movement Speed that you need for this build.

- Cosmic Drive is the core item for this build. This allows you to go for short trades (Q + basic attack + passive), proc Electrocute and run away.

- Mejai's Soulstealer seems like a bad item at first, but it's cheap and gives you AP and Movement Speed. If you play this build correctly, it shouldn't be easy for your enemies to kill you. Mejai's Soulstealer is the reason why this build is hard to play.

- Lich Bane is your last item. It also gives AP, Movement Speed and helps with the short trades. Since Bard's passive Traveler's Call makes you want to auto attack a lot, building Sheen is always welcome.

Important comments

- This is a hard build to play. It might take some games for you to get used to it.

- You won't do much damage against tanks, try to always hit squishy enemies.

- Play around your Q Cosmic Binding cooldown. While fighting, go in, hit an enemy, press Q and go out.

- If you are full build and die, Mejai's Soulstealer can be replaced by Stormsurge.

- Remember that you have a good amount of AP, your W Caretaker's Shrine should heal for a lot.

- Zaz'Zak's Realmspike is great for short trades, don't go Solstice Sleigh.

The Black Halo
The Black Halo

Item Sequence

Bloodsong 400
Ionian Boots of Lucidity 950
Locket of the Iron Solari 2200
Jak'Sho, The Protean 3200
Terminus 3000
Vigilant Wardstone 2300


Build all the armour and magic resistance items, become immortal in long fights!

Coming soon!

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League of Legends Build Guide Author Clarkened
Clarkened Bard Guide
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My off-meta Bard builds

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