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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Mystery Skin

Posted in General | Tags: Ahri 6,965

  • Eistod

    Mystery Skin

    Someone knows if I can get Challenger Ahri out of the mystery skin box? And I only get the skins for champs I own, right?

    Thanks in advance.
  • Answers (2)

    Lysor | June 9, 2016 5:08am
    Mystery skins contain legendary, ultimate skins and legacy skins and challanger Ahri falls under legacy, so you should be able to obtain her. As for the second question, you can only obtain skins for champions you have yes.
    Epic Fail Guy (10) | June 22, 2016 2:29pm
    If you have any more questions regarding skins you can obtain in mystery gifts, you can only get skins worth 520 RP or more. All skins EXCEPT achievement skins, for example ; Collector's Edition skins, PAX skins, Rusty Blitzcrank, Urf the Manatee, Championship Riven and Riot Squad Singed.
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