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League of Legends (LoL) Question: New Masteries , Help Please !

Posted in Masteries | Tags: Brand Caitlyn Jarvan IV Shyvana Viktor Volibear 21,978

  • Mr Mushroom

    New Masteries , Help Please !

    As the title says , i need help with the new masteries , ive read about the changes but im still not sure how to do them.
    Could someone tell me how to do it properly or make one or two for me ?

    Thank you for any help.
  • Answers (3)

    PsiGuard (1495) | November 12, 2015 5:14pm

    Find the best Keystone mastery (the ones at the bottom) for your champion and put 18 points in that tree. You can put 6 points in each of the other trees or (more likely) 12 points in one.

    Ferocity is good for champions that build a lot of AD or AP. Resolve is good for champions that build a lot of defense (6-12 points is good for early sustain too). Cunning is good on supports and has stats everyone can use, but the keystones are a little situational.
    CrazeChimp (6) | November 11, 2015 6:31pm
    Tbh they made it simpler than the old masteries. Not as many choices until the end of the tree.

    Just spend a few minutes looking at them before you start queue, and you should get a rough idea of how to set them up for whatever champion you're going to play.
    OTGBionicArm (415) | November 11, 2015 1:54am
    Well the typical 21/9 spread has now become 18/12. They are allowing us to split points between tiers but it honestly doesnt seem like that's worth doing.

    We're all gonna be learning the new masteries over the next few days, so you might just wanna wait until we come up with something concrete as the patch isnt live just yet.
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