League of Legends Articles
Check out all the latest League of Legends news! LoL updates, patch notes, and more.

5 Best ADC to Climb Ranks in League of Legends Patch 13.14
The bot lane meta is having shake ups in ADCs, despite tanks still being the frontrunner supports. Learn which are the new 5 Best ADC to Climb...

Teamfight Tactics Patch 13.14 - Invokers EVERYWHERE
Besides all of the Soul Fighter content coming in this TFT patch, we're getting heavy shifts of power towards a specific three-cost - Invoker....

League of Legends Patch 13.14 Summary
Patch 13.14 is here with various champion changes, item updates, new skins and much more that we'll go through in this quick article!

How one Legend broke the game
Draven Era just ended after a mere day of existance. Teamfight Tactic Developers had to comeback from vacation to deal with this Legend mess.

The new LoL game mode Arena is rocking in popularity
You can even find tier lists of the new LoL game mode without even being live in the official servers.

Soul Fighter 2023 - All things coming for the Summer Event
Two champion releases (Naafiri is here), new exclusive game modes (2v2v2v2), mini-games, skins in four titles (LoL, Wild Rift, TFT, and LoR), and...

Soul Fighter and TFT - What are we getting
New Chibi Soul Fighter Gwen, a new game mode - Soul Brawl, a Choncc narrative story, and much more coming to Teamfight Tactics for the Soul Fighter...

Everything about the Skins coming for the Soul Fighter Summer Event
Over 31 new cosmetics across four Riot titles, including Ultimate Samira Skin (LoL), Special Edition Soul Fighter Draven (Wild Rift), Soul Fighter...

League of Legends Patch 13.13 Summary
Patch 13.13 is here with various champion changes, item updates, new skins and much more that we'll go through in this quick article!

Naafiri is approaching - All we know about the new League of Legends Champion
With her craving for destruction and her packmates, she's ready to feast on League of Legends champions. Find out about the details of...