League of Legends (LoL) Question: No S??
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No S??
Someone, please explain to me why I did not get at least an S-? I just played a Blind Pick match and did super well. I had 51% KP, 155 cs, a good vision score, most gold, and 7.33 KDA among other things. Here is a screenshot of the results. https://imgur.com/a/tyibKKe
I just want my Mastery 6
I just want my Mastery 6
From What I know though you have to be more well rounded and focus on more then just kills :/
plus, When giving a grade, you get compared to other
For example, I just saw a
Consider what your champ is supposed to do.
If people in S grade have for example 9cs per minute, you gotta have it too. You get compared with top
(however, I'm not sure if it ONLY compares you to
kda doesn't really much. (it's good to have a good kda tho. And NOT DYING too much is the most important thing)
I remember I once got S+ as 7/0/1
I saw all these information on the internet and I believe they're right. You can go check "stats" section in league itself and compare your
1. Improve your cs.
2. Place more pinks.