League of Legends (LoL) Question: O ezreal consegue dar dano no late game ?
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O ezreal consegue dar dano no late game ?
Tava pensando, em muitas comps do meu time tivemos que jogar até os 50min, e queria saber se tem algum tipo de build que seja útil para ele dar dano no late game. Como por exemplo fazer ele com dano misto baseado em conta, tendo manamune,nashor,etc funcionária?
slope unblocked midgame ...Ezreal is really good at poking the enemies down before a fight thanks to his low cooldowns and overall damage. During the mid-game, he will be able to harass and poke the enemy a lot. R. He will deal a lot of burst damage to anyone who is hit with it in the late game.Ezreal were strongly hinted to be dating. They are hinted to also have feelings for each other in alternative universes like Star Guardian and Battle Academia.