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Recommended Items
Runes: Only Runes You'll Need
+10% Attack Speed
+6 Armor
+6 Armor
Ability Order No Change
Concussive Blows (PASSIVE)
Braum Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
you are alone, not a soul knows how to play with braum top and your team will always take your kills in ganks. You are a 1 man army sieging top-lane so your team can win the game.
you are alone, not a soul knows how to play with braum top and your team will always take your kills in ganks. You are a 1 man army sieging top-lane so your team can win the game.
Champion Build Guide
I have been playing Braum since I started playing league back in Season 11. I initially played him in support until I got bored of the Bot-Lane toil and took him to top lane where I experimented with builds until I found that he is an ungodly powerful melee on-hit champion with a surprising amount of durability without tank items.
When in top-lane, Braum is able to go all-out. As in the support role, you not only play, but also build for your team or your ADC; in top-lane, that is not the case. In top-lane, Braum is able to use the full extent of his kit to become a truly horrific monster of a fighter.
The best way to engage with Braum top is to pull back and give your opponent room to move into your wave, then jump to the furthest minion into the lane and start pummeling your opponent.
Example: Garen is sitting behind his wave defensively, you pull back a good few steps behind your own wave and let him push a bit. Then, you use your W to jump to a minion BEHIND Garen and now you have not only engaged, but also cut off his escape.
Lastly, you need to sit in your lane, you are a 1-man siege engine that needs to steamroll top lane so your team--especially your jungler--can focus on taking objectives. Make sure to inform your team to not gank you and try to guide them as best you can.
- strong melee champ that doesn't need to worry about ability scaling
- excellent duelest
- can even run down ranged top-laners if played well
- team/jungle will usually think you're trolling and either throw the match or ban Braum
- weak against other disabler champs
- build has no room for item substitutions, and therefore you are unable to counter-build
Overall, an average off-meta experience.
I have proven time and time again that this build works and is escpecially capable of forcing my lane opponents to underestimate the pick and make mistakes. This build is old and is nothing new to the Braum community; however, it is one of the few builds I have come across that continuously stands the test of time in and out of seasons. Now, get out there and administer some cold claps.
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