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Evelynn Build Guide by EVEKING



Updated on May 25, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author EVEKING Build Guide By EVEKING 844 Views 0 Comments
844 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author EVEKING Evelynn Build Guide By EVEKING Updated on May 25, 2024
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First Strike
Magical Footwear
Triple Tonic
Cosmic Insight

Absolute Focus
Gathering Storm

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


1 2
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Mosstomper Smite

Mosstomper Smite

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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
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Champion Build Guide


Strategies, champion info
Evelynn, the Agony's Embrace, is a champion in the popular multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game "League of Legends," developed by Riot Games. She is an AP (ability power) assassin known for her stealth mechanics and high burst damage. Here's an overview of Evelynn's character, abilities, and playstyle:

Early Life and Transformation
Evelynn, known as the Agony's Embrace, is a demon who thrives on human suffering, drawn to areas of great pain and torment. Her origin is shrouded in mystery, but it is known that she began as a wisp of shadow, feeding on the anguish of the Rune Wars. This immense suffering nourished her, transforming her into the powerful demon she is today. Her existence is intrinsically linked to pain and torment, and she revels in the agony of her victims.

Modus Operandi
Evelynn's method involves disguising herself as a seductive human woman, using her allure to lure her prey into a false sense of security. Once her victims are ensnared by her charm, she reveals her true, monstrous form, delivering excruciating pain and a fatal blow. Her insatiable desire for agony drives her to seek out new victims constantly, making her one of the most feared beings in the "League of Legends" universe.

Passive - Demon Shade

Healing: When Evelynn is out of combat for a few seconds, she enters Demon Shade, which heals her for a percentage of her missing health.
Camouflage: Upon reaching level 6, Demon Shade grants camouflage, making her invisible to all but nearby enemy champions, turrets, and True Sight.
Q - Hate Spike

Primary Spike: Evelynn lashes out in a target direction, dealing damage to the first enemy hit.
Secondary Spikes: After the initial hit, Evelynn can cast Hate Spike up to three additional times, sending out spikes that target the nearest enemies.
W - Allure

Curse Application: Evelynn curses a target for a few seconds. If she damages the target after a short duration, the curse will slow them.
Charm Effect: If the curse fully completes without Evelynn breaking it, her next attack or ability will charm the target, reducing their magic resistance and dealing bonus damage.
E - Whiplash

Dash and Damage: Evelynn dashes to a target, dealing damage. If she is in Demon Shade, this ability also grants a shield and increases the damage dealt.
Empowered Whiplash: While in Demon Shade, Whiplash deals bonus damage and increases her movement speed.
R - Last Caress

Area of Effect Damage: Evelynn erupts in demonic energy, dealing massive damage in a wide area around her. Enemies below a certain health threshold take increased damage.
Escape Mechanism: After casting, Evelynn blinks backwards a significant distance, allowing her to reposition or escape.
Early Game
Evelynn’s early game revolves around farming her jungle camps efficiently to reach level 6 as quickly as possible. Before level 6, she lacks the stealth and burst damage necessary to be a significant threat. Her early ganks rely on precise positioning and timing to catch enemies off-guard. Key early game objectives include securing the Scuttle Crabs and applying pressure to overextended lanes.

Mid Game
Upon reaching level 6, Evelynn’s power spikes dramatically with the activation of her Demon Shade’s camouflage. She can now roam the map with relative impunity, setting up ambushes and ganks. Evelynn should focus on isolating and eliminating high-value targets such as enemy ADCs or mid laners. Objective control becomes critical during this phase, with Evelynn using her stealth to help secure Dragons and Rift Heralds.

Late Game
In the late game, Evelynn remains a potent assassin but must be cautious of crowd control and vision from the enemy team. She excels at picking off stragglers and disrupting the backline in team fights. Evelynn’s ultimate, Last Caress, is a game-changer that can turn the tide of battles, especially when used to execute low-health enemies and then reposition.

Tips for Playing Evelynn
Vision Control
Maintaining control over vision is essential for Evelynn's effectiveness. Use control wards to deny enemy vision and ensure your stealth remains undetected. Always carry a control ward and clear enemy wards in key locations.

Patience and Timing
Evelynn’s strength lies in her ability to pick the perfect moment to strike. Be patient and wait for enemies to misposition or for your team to set up engages that leave the enemy vulnerable. Timing your ambushes and attacks is crucial to maximize your impact.

Combos and Burst
Master Evelynn’s combo rotations to maximize her burst potential. A typical combo might involve using Allure to charm and debuff the target, followed by Hate Spike and Whiplash for maximum damage. Practicing these combos in various scenarios will improve your efficiency in executing kills.

Map Awareness
Constantly monitor the minimap to track enemy movements and predict their positioning. This awareness helps you decide when and where to gank or ambush, making you a more effective assassin. Map awareness also aids in avoiding potential threats and setting up better positioning for objectives.

Objective Control
Use Evelynn's stealth to approach and secure objectives like Dragon, Baron Nashor, and enemy jungle camps. Her ability to move undetected can turn the tide in securing these critical objectives. Coordinate with your team to capitalize on these opportunities and deny the enemy team these crucial resources.

Strategic Insights
Synergy with Teammates
Evelynn works well with champions who can provide crowd control and burst damage to complement her assassination attempts. Champions with strong engage or displacement abilities can help set up Evelynn’s charm, making her ganks more effective. Team compositions that can create chaos and distraction in fights also benefit Evelynn’s ability to pick off key targets.

Evelynn is vulnerable to champions and strategies that can reveal her stealth or apply heavy crowd control. Vision wards, sweeping lenses, and champions with true sight can significantly hinder her effectiveness. Additionally, teams that stick together and avoid isolated positioning reduce her opportunities to secure kills. Awareness of enemy vision and positioning can mitigate some of these vulnerabilities.

Build Paths
Evelynn’s build typically focuses on maximizing her burst damage and magic penetration. Core items often include:

Hextech Rocketbelt: Provides additional mobility and burst potential.
Lich Bane: Enhances her auto-attacks following abilities, synergizing well with her playstyle.
Rabadon's Deathcap: Amplifies her AP, significantly boosting her damage output.
Void Staff: Essential for penetrating magic resistance, ensuring her damage remains effective against tankier targets.
Zhonya's Hourglass: Provides survivability through its active stasis, allowing Evelynn to avoid crucial damage or crowd control during engagements.
Evelynn, the Agony's Embrace, is a champion that thrives on stealth, deception, and burst damage. Her ability to become invisible and strike fear into the hearts of her enemies makes her a formidable assassin in "League of Legends." Mastering Evelynn requires a deep understanding of her abilities, strategic map awareness, and precise timing. When played effectively, Evelynn can dominate the battlefield, bringing an end to her enemies with swift, deadly efficiency.

Strategies vs every jungler:

Early Game: Amumu has a weak early game. Prioritize farming and avoiding his jungle. Use wards to keep track of him. Look to gank lanes that are overextended.
Mid Game: Once Amumu starts ganking, use your stealth to set up counter-ganks or pick off his allies while he engages.
Late Game: Focus on avoiding his crowd control. Use charm (W) to disable him or his carries and burst them down quickly.
Itemization: Banshee’s Veil, Zhonyas Hourglass.
Early Game: Bel'Veth has strong clear and dueling potential. Avoid early fights and prioritize efficient farming. Ward your jungle entrances.
Mid Game: Use your stealth to track her and avoid her engage. Look to counter-gank or pick off her carries.
Late Game: Focus on bursting her down quickly with your team. Avoid extended fights where she can sustain.
Itemization: Morellonomicon, Void Staff.
Early Game: Camille has strong early dueling. Avoid fighting her 1v1. Focus on clearing camps and vision control.
Mid Game: Utilize your stealth to dodge her engages and set up counter-ganks. She becomes very dangerous with her ultimate.
Late Game: Burst her carries and avoid her initiation. Use charm to disable her if she dives in.
Itemization: Zhonyas Hourglass, Banshee’s Veil.
Early Game: Diana has a weak pre-6 presence. Farm efficiently and avoid confrontations. Look for ganks once you hit level 6.
Mid Game: Use stealth to dodge her engages and pick off isolated targets. Counter-gank her engages.
Late Game: Focus on bursting her down quickly. Avoid clumping up to mitigate her AoE damage.
Itemization: Zhonyas Hourglass, Morellonomicon.
Dr. Mundo
Early Game: Mundo has a slow clear and is weak early. Invade his jungle with your team’s help if possible.
Mid Game: Use your stealth to dodge his cleavers and target his squishier teammates.
Late Game: Burst down his carries and avoid extended fights with Mundo. His sustain is hard to deal with.
Itemization: Morellonomicon, Liandry’s Anguish.
Early Game: Elise is very strong early. Avoid fighting her and prioritize farming. Ward your jungle entrances.
Mid Game: Use your stealth to dodge her cocoons and look for counter-ganks.
Late Game: Focus on bursting her down quickly while avoiding her stuns. Target her carries first.
Itemization: Banshee’s Veil, Zhonyas Hourglass.
Mirror Match: Track her jungle pathing. Wards and sweeping lenses are crucial. Prioritize farming and look for ganks on overextended lanes.
Mid Game: Use your stealth to find her and outmaneuver her ganks. Counter-gank whenever possible.
Late Game: Burst her down before she bursts you. Use your charm strategically.
Itemization: Zhonyas Hourglass, Banshee’s Veil.
Early Game: Fiddlesticks is weak early and reliant on vision control. Invade with your team’s help and ward his jungle.
Mid Game: Use your stealth to avoid his engages and pick him off during his ultimate channel.
Late Game: Burst him down quickly. Use charm to interrupt his ultimate.
Itemization: Banshee’s Veil, Zhonyas Hourglass.
Early Game: Graves is strong early with high burst and sustain. Avoid early fights and focus on farming.
Mid Game: Use your stealth to dodge his vision and set up ganks. Counter-jungle if possible.
Late Game: Burst him down quickly. Avoid his burst and kiting potential.
Itemization: Hextech Rocketbelt, Morellonomicon.
Early Game: Gwen has a strong clear and decent dueling. Avoid early fights and focus on farming.
Mid Game: Use your stealth to avoid her engages and set up counter-ganks.
Late Game: Burst her down quickly. Avoid extended fights where she can sustain.
Itemization: Morellonomicon, Void Staff.
Early Game: Hecarim has strong early ganks. Avoid early fights and prioritize efficient farming.
Mid Game: Use your stealth to avoid his engages and set up counter-ganks.
Late Game: Burst down his carries and use charm to disable him during his dive.
Itemization: Zhonyas Hourglass, Morellonomicon.
Early Game: Ivern is weak in 1v1s. Invade his jungle with your team’s help and ward his camps.
Mid Game: Use your stealth to dodge his vision and set up ganks.
Late Game: Focus on bursting down his carries. Avoid extended fights where he can shield and heal his team.
Itemization: Morellonomicon, Liandry’s Anguish.
Jarvan IV
Early Game: Jarvan has strong early ganks. Avoid early fights and focus on farming.
Mid Game: Use your stealth to dodge his engages and set up counter-ganks.
Late Game: Burst down his carries and use charm to disable him during his dives.
Itemization: Banshee’s Veil, Zhonyas Hourglass.
Early Game: Jax is weak early. Farm efficiently and avoid fighting him.
Mid Game: Use your stealth to avoid his counter-strike and set up ganks.
Late Game: Burst down his carries. Avoid extended fights where he can sustain and stack his passive.
Itemization: Zhonyas Hourglass, Morellonomicon.
Early Game: Karthus is weak early and easy to invade. Ward his jungle and try to steal camps.
Mid Game: Use your stealth to avoid his vision and gank his lanes.
Late Game: Burst him down quickly. Avoid standing in his defile and position well to avoid his ultimate.
Itemization: Banshee’s Veil, Zhonyas Hourglass.
Early Game: Kayn is weak early. Farm efficiently and avoid fighting him.
Mid Game: Use your stealth to track his movements and counter-gank.
Late Game: Burst him down quickly. Adapt your strategy based on his form (Rhaast or Shadow Assassin).
Itemization: Morellonomicon, Banshee’s Veil.
Early Game: Kindred is strong early. Avoid fighting her and prioritize farming. Ward her jungle entrances.
Mid Game: Use your stealth to dodge her marks and counter-gank.
Late Game: Burst her down quickly. Avoid fighting inside her ultimate.
Itemization: Zhonyas Hourglass, Morellonomicon.
Early Game: Kha'Zix is strong early. Avoid fighting him and focus on farming.
Mid Game: Use your stealth to dodge his engages and set up counter-ganks.
Late Game: Burst him down quickly. Avoid fighting him in isolated areas.
Itemization: Zhonyas Hourglass, Banshee’s Veil.
Lee Sin
Early Game: Lee Sin is strong early. Avoid fighting him and prioritize efficient farming. Ward your jungle entrances.
Mid Game: Use your stealth to dodge his engages and set up counter-ganks.
Late Game: Burst down his carries and use charm to disable him during his dives.
Itemization: Zhonyas Hourglass, Banshee’s Veil.
Early Game: Lillia has strong clear but weak dueling. Farm efficiently and avoid fighting her.
Mid Game: Use your stealth to dodge her engages and set up counter-ganks.
Late Game: Burst her down quickly. Avoid fighting in her Swirlseed and Blooming Blows.
Itemization: Morellonomicon, Void Staff.
Early Game: Maokai has strong crowd control. Farm efficiently and avoid fighting him.
Mid Game: Use your stealth to dodge his engages and set up counter-ganks.
Late Game: Burst down his carries and avoid his crowd control.
Itemization: Banshee’s Veil, Zhonyas Hourglass.
Master Yi
Early Game: Master Yi is weak early. Farm efficiently and avoid fighting him.
Mid Game: Use your stealth to track his movements and counter-gank.
Late Game: Burst him down quickly. Avoid extended fights where he can sustain and reset.
Itemization: Zhonyas Hourglass, Morellonomicon.
Early Game: Nidalee has strong early dueling. Avoid fighting her and prioritize farming. Ward your jungle entrances.
Mid Game: Use your stealth to dodge her spears and set up counter-ganks.
Late Game: Burst her down quickly. Avoid fighting in choke points where she can land her spears.
Itemization: Banshee’s Veil, Zhonyas Hourglass.
Early Game: Nocturne is strong post-6. Farm efficiently and avoid fighting him.
Mid Game: Use your stealth to dodge his paranoia engages and set up counter-ganks.
Late Game: Burst down his carries and use charm to disable him during his dives.
Itemization: Zhonyas Hourglass, Banshee’s Veil.
Nunu & Willump
Early Game: Nunu has strong early ganks. Avoid fighting him and prioritize efficient farming.
Mid Game: Use your stealth to dodge his engages and set up counter-ganks.
Late Game: Burst down his carries and avoid his snowball engage.
Itemization: Morellonomicon, Banshee’s Veil.
Early Game: Poppy has strong crowd control. Farm efficiently and avoid fighting her.
Mid Game: Use your stealth to dodge her engages and set up counter-ganks.
Late Game: Burst down her carries and avoid her crowd control.
Itemization: Banshee’s Veil, Zhonyas Hourglass.
Early Game: Rammus has strong early ganks. Avoid fighting him and prioritize efficient farming.
Mid Game: Use your stealth to dodge his taunt and set up counter-ganks.
Late Game: Burst down his carries and avoid his crowd control.
Itemization: Morellonomicon, Banshee’s Veil.
Early Game: Rek'Sai is strong early. Avoid fighting her and focus on farming.
Mid Game: Use your stealth to dodge her engages and set up counter-ganks.
Late Game: Burst her down quickly. Avoid fighting in her tunnels.
Itemization: Zhonyas Hourglass, Banshee’s Veil.
Early Game: Rengar is strong early. Avoid fighting him and focus on farming.
Mid Game: Use your stealth to dodge his engages and set up counter-ganks.
Late Game: Burst him down quickly. Avoid fighting in his ultimate.
Itemization: Zhonyas Hourglass, Banshee’s Veil.
Early Game: Sejuani has strong crowd control. Farm efficiently and avoid fighting her.
Mid Game: Use your stealth to dodge her engages and set up counter-ganks.
Late Game: Burst down her carries and avoid her crowd control.
Itemization: Banshee’s Veil, Zhonyas Hourglass.
Early Game: Shaco is strong early. Avoid fighting him and prioritize farming. Ward your jungle entrances.
Mid Game: Use your stealth to dodge his engages and set up counter-ganks.
Late Game: Burst him down quickly. Avoid his boxes and traps.
Itemization: Banshee’s Veil, Zhonyas Hourglass.
Early Game: Shyvana is weak early. Farm efficiently and avoid fighting her.
Mid Game: Use your stealth to track her movements and set up counter-ganks.
Late Game: Burst her down quickly. Avoid fighting in her ultimate form.
Itemization: Morellonomicon, Void Staff.
Early Game: Skarner has strong early ganks. Avoid fighting him and prioritize efficient farming.
Mid Game: Use your stealth to dodge his engages and set up counter-ganks.
Late Game: Burst down his carries and avoid his crowd control.
Itemization: Banshee’s Veil, Zhonyas Hourglass.
Early Game: Taliyah has strong early ganks. Avoid fighting her and prioritize efficient farming.
Mid Game: Use your stealth to dodge her engages and set up counter-ganks.
Late Game: Burst her down quickly. Avoid fighting in choke points where she can use her Q effectively.
Itemization: Banshee’s Veil, Zhonyas Hourglass.
Early Game: Trundle is strong early. Avoid fighting him and prioritize efficient farming.
Mid Game: Use your stealth to dodge his pillar and set up counter-ganks.
Late Game: Burst down his carries and avoid his ultimate.
Itemization: Morellonomicon, Void Staff.
Early Game: Udyr is strong early. Avoid fighting him and prioritize efficient farming.
Mid Game: Use your stealth to dodge his engages and set up counter-ganks.
Late Game: Burst down his carries and avoid his sustain.
Itemization: Morellonomicon, Banshee’s Veil.
Early Game: Vi is strong early. Avoid fighting her and prioritize efficient farming.
Mid Game: Use your stealth to dodge her engages and set up counter-ganks.
Late Game: Burst down her carries and avoid her ultimate.
Itemization: Banshee’s Veil, Zhonyas Hourglass.
Early Game: Viego is strong early. Avoid fighting him and prioritize efficient farming.
Mid Game: Use your stealth to dodge his engages and set up counter-ganks.
Late Game: Burst him down quickly. Avoid extended fights where he can reset.
Itemization: Zhonyas Hourglass, Morellonomicon.
Early Game: Warwick is strong early. Avoid fighting him and prioritize efficient farming.
Mid Game: Use your stealth to dodge his engages and set up counter-ganks.
Late Game: Burst down his carries and avoid his ultimate.
Itemization: Banshee’s Veil, Zhonyas Hourglass.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author EVEKING
EVEKING Evelynn Guide
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