League of Legends (LoL) Question: Optimal Build for Bard?
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Optimal Build for Bard?
Hi all! With the release of Bard (and the potentially very interesting guides that will be coming out soon), I thought it'd be beneficial to hear a few opinions on how to build Bard.
> What runes would he use?
> What masteries?
> Which skill leveled first?
> What items?
> Which ADCs would be able to solo lane without him?
Thanks so much!
- jhoi
> What runes would he use?
> What masteries?
> Which skill leveled first?
> What items?
> Which ADCs would be able to solo lane without him?
Thanks so much!
- jhoi
9 AD marks, health/armor seals, mr blues and armor quints.
0/9/21 masteries.
Q max, W second, E third, ultimate whenever possible.
Starting with Q or W depending on how fast ADC can shove. Leaning towards Q most of the time though.
ADC with wave clear / ability to dodge is decent.
> What masteries? I run 21/9 to help his roaming and trades.
> Which skill leveled first? Q is mandatory. The CDR and Slow duration is something that you really need.
> What items? I build him for kiting and peeling. Frost Queens, Mobos, Rylai's, Twin Shadows, Sightstone, and Morellos
> Which ADCs would be able to solo lane without him? Sivir and Graves are the two I see are able to do it. I think it's more or less a matter of supports. If you're against Leona, you CAN'T roam without risking your ADC dying. However, if you're against Sona or Janna, and they play passive, you can roam freely.
I would say that maxing his
I'd say hybrid penetration marks. Health/Armour Seals. Magic Resist Glyphs and 1 AP/2 armour quintessences are optimal. I'd start W if you want to place a few health packs around your teams jungle to help your jungle out and then recall for mana. But otherwise start