Long-range control mage is hard for Azir right now. Kill potential is low because of her passive, so I typically play safe and farm waiting for a team fight to get kills on her. Recommend to build ROD against this champion.
Skill Matchup. Won't lie annoying as fuck, but best advice try to dodge her SS's as much as possible and punish her with 2 soldiers drifting on her. Also she is immobile without flash so ask jg for help.
I never win lane and always get destroyed against Zoe matchup. I hate this champion, but I have started not to ban her as much because her play rate is low.
This is basically what is said to be Azir's #1 counter due to his R, but I don't see many people play him. I would say you have to kill early or play the scaling game. Overall, I would look elsewhere for advice as not many people play him in Gold/Silver. Recommend to build ROD against this champion.
Skill Matchup. Try not to let her roam, as that's one of Ahri's greatest strengths. Push in the wave hard on her and follow her around to let her know you are basically watching her.
Pretty easy, because they're overly aggressive and melee making it so you can shuffle her into your tower easily. Just be careful of her mobility because 1 million dashes is very balanced.
Skill Matchup. Watch early game dmg! He hurts especially if they're running PTA. Try not to let him roam.
Haven't played this matchup much, but it's hard for Azir because her damage is very strong.
Skill Matchup. I think it's usually easy to play against Zed's compared to much of the Azir community. The way I play against Zed is by punishing the fact that his W has a long cooldown early game. Dodging those abilities are usually pretty easy which then allows you to punish him when he is farming. Other than that the biggest piece of advice I can give you is be patient with your R. When in lane only use your R against him after he ults. DO NOT TRY AND SHUFFLE HIM, unless he has used W.
Skill Matchup. Try to poke her down for an all-in as her all-in combo is very strong. Good spacing will help you win this matchup.
Skill Matchup. Don't see much in my elo. Very Rare!
Skill Matchup. Haven't played against this much. Low kill potential because of his R. Gotta poke him down for an all-in so he doesn't regain his entire HP bar. Biggest piece of advice is that spacing is your best friend, because the way ekko does all of his dmg is by getting on top of you with his E, so if you space well it will be a very easy matchup.
Just annoying due to the range. He will not usually have a lot of kill potential as long as you dodge his ult.
Pretty easy, because they're overly aggressive and melee making it so you can shuffle her into tower.
Pretty easy because they're overly aggressive, and him being melee makes it so u can shuffle him into tower. Little harder because his E is very balanced. DO NOT GO FOR A SHUFFLE ON HIM IF HE HAS HIS E UP!
Never had much issue with Galio as long as you keep your distance. Very rare matchup even so just watch his movement, because most Galio's make it very obvious when you're getting ganked. Other than that just be careful of his Q damage, it's more than you think.
Free Matchup. Buy dark seal.
Never had much of an issue, but it's not a common pick. Run LT against LeBlanc as you will build stacks easily on her when she dives you for chain.
Pretty easy, because they're overly aggressive and melee making it so you can shuffle her into tower. A good thing to do is pre-emptively throw up soldiers on where she wants to pick up her daggers.
Annoying, because of his wave clear. He can shove and just roam to look for an R gank. MUST MATCH HIS WAVE CLEAR!
Aurelion Sol
Pretty easy matchup early games as you can get a lot of damage in while he is using his Q. Mid-Late game becomes harder because he starts to scale. I would recommend building ROD in this matchup as ASOL builds tanky.
Pretty easy, because they're overly aggressive and melee making it so you can shuffle her into tower. Good spacing will help you win this matchup.
Rare matchup, so I will give a skill matchup rating.
Rare matchup, so I will give skill matchup rating. Will say that poke is strong so keep good spacining and harass on her CD's.
As long as you keep range you should be fine. Watching the way he moves could indicate a JG gank incoming. Plus pantheon's will mainly jump on you with W making it where you can just throw him into your tower.
Pretty easy, because they're overly aggressive and melee making it so u can shuffle her into tower. Advice I would say is to try your best in avoiding those skillshots, because they do a lot of dmg.
Low kill potiential due to playstyle. Try to harass and keep CS advantage. Very farm heavy.
Pretty easy, because they're overly aggressive and melee making it so u can shuffle him into tower. Just be careful as he does a lot of damage early.
Skill matchup. Try your best to dodge her stun. She is weak early which is your best time to punish her, especially if you can space well between her orbs. Her ult is BS though, that shit does way to much dmg for a point and click. Buy Zhonya's and make sure to be ready to hit that shit when she R's you.
Pretty easy because they're overly aggressive and melee making it so you can shuffle him into tower. Sidestep Q's and keep good spacing.
Harder than Yasuo because this champion is braindead. Try to play safe because his E is fair and balanced. Also, Sidestep Q's and keep good spacing.
Skill Matchup due to the win fight button (R). Try not to stay in lane with low HP.
Pretty easy, because they're overly aggressive and melee making it so you can shuffle him into tower. Good spacing will help you win this matchup.
The range is rough. Try your best to farm and wait for gank since he has no mobility.
This character has a get-out-of-jail-free card and ridiculous sustain. Try you best to harass, but don't sacrifce good amounts of farm for it.
The range matchup is rough but if your jungler has a brain you can shuffle him for jg gank since he has no mobility. Best advice is buy boots early.
(AP Varus) Skill Matchup. Nothing else to really say about it.
Pretty easy if you dodge fear and space her E out well.
Twisted Fate
Pretty easy just out farm him because he will roam. Play macro.
Cringe. Basically if she W's you W-E away. Try your best to match her farm.
I haven't personally seen this matchup a lot, but when I have played against it his SS are pretty easy to dodge. I would just wait for jg to gank as he is immobile after using flash.
Skill Matchup. If he is running PTA it's pretty cancer, but you will outscale him.
Stay healthy in the lane and poke with soldiers for an all-in.
Prior I said no one plays neeko, but that has changed with the rework. I would still say she is a very easy matchup, but just be careful and count that wave.
Very rare matchup. Keep your distance and you should be fine. LT is good against him becuase you get to AA him a lot.
Played against this maybe once or twice. Match wave clear, buy anti-heal, and other than that her SS are easy to dodge.
He will get aggressive lvl 6, so look to shove in tower. Take ignite into this matchup because of his healing. Dodge E as best as possible.
Rare matchup, but I have found it pretty easy as long as you dodge her knock-up.
Easy because his blind doesn't effect your soldier AA.
Pretty easy to dodge his SS. Also very squishy and has no mobility.
Keep your distance and harass. Look to shuffle into tower lvl 6, and try you best to sidestep his Q.
Great frontline. Always love this on my team!
Good ganks!
Jarvan IV
Good ganks and frontline! Plus you get AS from his flag!
I like these people!
Great frontline. Always love this on my team!
Great frontline. Always love this on my team!
We all know why we like this.
AS + Range = Good
Good CC to help secure kills!
Great peel and ult can be a life-saver!
Gotta love the CC!
Nunu & Willump
Great engage and peel.
Great frontline. Always love this on my team!
Good ganks!
Jarvan IV
Good ganks and frontline! Plus you get AS from his flag!
This guide is solely based off my experience on my climb peaking at Emerald 1. From what I have learned through my own games along from other player. Please keep that in mind. Also all of my builds, items, runes, etc. have notes make sure to read them for clarification/reasoning.
My name is Anthony and I am a Emerald Azir player with about 400k mastery, and have only been playing him for a short amount of time. In this time I have learned a good amount of the key mechanics of Azir being kiting, drifting, positioning, and my limit as a champion. I know some people might say that this might not be enough time to learn a character with this much potiential, but I believe this is more than enough time to be consistent in games along with your drifting.
Why should you play Azir?
Just being fun can be said for any champion but with Azir it goes to another level. I think the main reason you should play Azir is because he has one of the most interesting kits in the entire game. No other character summons sand soldiers that fight for them. It really is an interesting concept. He has crazy damage numbers and a weak but safe laning phase. When I mean weak it's really just untill lvl 6 when you get your ult. Other than that, be prepared to carry your team harder than you ever could!
Drifting, shuffling, or whatever you want to call it. Probably one of the most fun and intresting characteristics when playing azir. So, I am going to get it out of the way and say the best way to learn how to drift is by practicing it in game. Do it as much as possible. For example, when leaving fountdain put a soldier infront the nexus towards the mid lane and do a drift towards midlane. You have a good amount of time to cast the Q so you will not have a lot of trouble tracking it. Doing this also minimalizes the margin for error. Along with this it's going to tank your mana, but your practicing. Don't be afraid to mess up it's going to happen and honestly you will probably get flammed for it when missing kills becuase of it. If you can't get the timing of the full drift try starting smaller and only getting half of the full drift. Once you get to that point then you can start practicing full drifts. But, bottom line is that you need to practice and drift as much as possible in games. That also doesn't mean jump on everyones head because you will find out that's not viable the hard way.
To be continued...
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