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League of Legends (LoL) Question: People cant see my build?...

Posted in General | Tags: Skarner 50,558

  • Aathos

    People cant see my build?...

    So yesterday I posted my first build but didnt see it got put in the builds or such, so I was wondering can any of you help? I also noticed by not getting any views...
  • Answers (2)

    utopus (313) | October 26, 2014 2:03pm
    Your guide needs to meet these requirements

    BarbJ wrote:
    • 30 mastery points allocated in each of the champion builds
    • 18 skill skill points allocated in each of the champion builds
    • 9 marks, 9 seals, 9 glyphs, and 3 quints in each of the champion builds
    • 2 summoner spells selected in each of the champion builds
    • 5,000 typed characters in the "body" of the guide (made up of visible characters to the viewers, or in behind the scenes coding)
    • Guide Settings on the right-hand side filled out
    emoriam (287) | October 26, 2014 6:13am
    Does you guide contain at least a few chapters with written text? Otherwise it isn't displayed under the new published guide because it's just a build then.

    Clear your Browser Cache and see whether something has changed or not.
    Aathos | October 26, 2014 6:31am
    Yeah there are chapters and text but still people cant see it,Idk why D:
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