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League of Legends (LoL) Question: play against ranged champs

Posted in Champions | Tags: Gwen 3,681

  • Kiritokirigaya1710

    play against ranged champs

    whats the best way to do against ranged champions like teemo and jayce?
  • Answers (2)

    7EyesNoSkills (3) | June 9, 2022 2:41pm
    It is situational about your and enemy's champion. But almost in all ranged matchups in toplane, you have to wait for your jungler, since toplane is really long and easy to gank, usually ranged champions are squishy. If your champion is able to kill enemy 1v1, you should wait for the best moment to kill him/her. Otherwise don't let him/her freeze the lane and wait for your Jungler.
    Marcelinoo | February 13, 2023 1:41am
    At the beginning of the game, don't be fobbed off even at the cost of a few minions. Once you buy your first item you should be better off!
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