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Sona Ability (LoL): Power Chord

Power Chord Sona

Sona Ability: Power Chord
Accelerando: Sona gains 0.5 ability haste permanently for her basic abilities as she uses her abilities well which doesn't include her ultimate, up to a cap of 60 ability haste. Beyond that cap, further successful uses reduce her ultimate's remaining cooldown by 1.5 seconds each time instead.

Power Chord: Every 3 spell casts, Sona's next attack will deal 20−240 (+20% of ability power) bonus magic damage in addition to an additional effect depending on what kind of basic ability that Sona last activated.

Sona's Abilities

Sona Ability: Power Chord Sona Ability: Power Chord Sona Ability: Power Chord Sona Ability: Power Chord
Power Chord is used by Sona

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WaffleT | July 5, 2011 4:03am
For some reason if you are silenced your auto attack will not proc Power Cord
Duck (2) | November 3, 2010 11:13pm
Try to use this against enemy champions instead of accidentally auto-attacking a minion.
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