League of Legends (LoL) Question: Preseason 6 ADC Itemization
Posted in Items | Tags:
Death's Dance
Essence Reaver
Infinity Edge
Last Whisper
Mercurial Scimitar
Phantom Dancer
Rapid Firecannon
Statikk Shiv
The Bloodthirster

Preseason 6 ADC Itemization
Hey guys!
As season 5 "ADC Main", I've given a lot of thought to ADC itemization. I have absolutely no idea how to build them, but here are my thoughts thus far:
Infinity Edge and
Rapid Firecannon/
Statikk Shiv
- Because they are autoattack orientated and they have to position a lot
Essence Reaver and
Statikk Shiv
- Lot of mobility and AD caster
Infinity Edge and
Statikk Shiv
Rapid Firecannon's passive seems pointless because the closer you are, the more damage you deal
Infinity Edge and
Statikk Shiv/
Phantom Dancer
- Autoattacks a lot, rocket launcher likes crit and hypercarry
Infinity Edge and
Phantom Dancer
- Duels a lot, gets targeted due to her reputation
For life steal items, I think most of these want
Mercurial Scimitar, unless they lack some hard CC and you have long range (e.g.
Bloodthirster seems like a good choice to me.
Death's Dance seems cool for
Kalista because you'll get a ton of health from your E alone, and executing people with
Dangerous Game
gets you back on your feet.
Blade of the Ruined King is optional if they have a lot of health and if you need self-peel.
Some thoughts guys?
As season 5 "ADC Main", I've given a lot of thought to ADC itemization. I have absolutely no idea how to build them, but here are my thoughts thus far:

- Because they are autoattack orientated and they have to position a lot

- Lot of mobility and AD caster


- Autoattacks a lot, rocket launcher likes crit and hypercarry

- Duels a lot, gets targeted due to her reputation
For life steal items, I think most of these want

Some thoughts guys?
>Lots of thought on itemization
Try again :^)
Isn't this better as a thread? I would totally give some thoughts but there's no way to do a back and forth in the Q&A section :P