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Lux Ability (LoL): Prismatic Barrier

Prismatic Barrier Lux

Lux Ability: Prismatic Barrier
Range: 1075
Cooldown: 14 / 13 / 12 / 11 / 10
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Lux throws her wand to a target location, bending the light around herself and any friendly champion it touches by granting a 45 / 65 / 85 / 105 / 125 (+35% of ability power) damage shield for 2.5 seconds. After reaching maximum range, the wand returns to Lux, shielding herself and any friendly champion it touches for the same amount again. The second shield stacks with the first shield while also refreshing the shield duration.

Lux's Abilities

Lux Ability: Prismatic Barrier Lux Ability: Prismatic Barrier Lux Ability: Prismatic Barrier Lux Ability: Prismatic Barrier
Prismatic Barrier is used by Lux

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ValentinoT (1) | January 12, 2013 6:25am
Best shield ability in the game. Say that you get something in region of 400-500 AP near the end of the game (ofcourse that is if Lux is played as AP mid, not as support) you give you entire team (if the fired correctly) a shield of 320-355 HP! Plus, it comes back, restoring the shield to it's original stregth!

Overal, an amazing ability.
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