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PSA on Voting Rules

Creator: PsiGuard October 26, 2017 1:38pm
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<Retired Admin>
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Jun 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 26, 2017 1:38pm | Report
Hey everyone, just wanted to make a quick announcement about our rules on voting. There's been a few recent cases of vote manipulation, so I wanted to clarify what is and is not allowed on the site.

Here are our official rules on voting:
Each member is expected to vote in good faith and without bias casting a single vote on any active build on the site. Working around site fail-safes, bribing, falsifying or otherwise "fixing" voting on any build, comment, or other content is strictly forbidden. You get 1 vote and 1 vote only; use it wisely.

I realize this rule is pretty brief and covers a broad range of offenses, so let me be clear about what "voting without bias" means. Members are expected to vote according to their opinion of the guide content. If the guide is outdated, not detailed enough, lacks a solid build, looks ugly, or other content-related reasons, then a downvote may be warranted. Since many votes are anonymous and we don't require a stated reason for each downvote, we tend to give users the benefit of the doubt when it comes to their votes, though in some cases of clear vote manipulation we have to step in.

Here's what is allowed:
  1. As an author, downvoting competing guides that are outdated or poor quality. I encourage authors to leave a comment justifying their votes on competition. It makes the difference clearer between legitimate downvotes and self-serving vote manipulation.
  2. Sharing your guide on MOBAFire, as long as you follow our rules on self-advertising.
  3. Sharing your guide outside the site, provided you do not direct people to manipulate votes.

Here's what's not allowed:
  1. Using multiple accounts to vote on guides.
  2. Asking people to vote on guides for reasons other than guide content.
  3. Directing people to join MOBAFire for the purpose of vote manipulation.
  4. Bribing or buying votes in any way, shape, or form.
  5. Downvoting an author's guides because you don't like the author.
  6. As an author, downvoting all competing guides to boost your own guide's relative ranking.

Users who engage in vote manipulation will have their voting privileges revoked. Repeated or severe offences may lead to stricter action, such as suspending the account permanently.

Please remember to respect your fellow guide authors and vote honestly. Anyone can claim the top spot in the rankings given enough time and effort. If you want to have the best guide for your champion, earn it by making your guide the best it can be, and feel free to share it with people you meet.

Thank you for reading. If you need any clarification on site rules, just shoot me a PM or comment in this thread.
Thanks to Jovy for the sig!
Vapora Dark
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Oct 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 27, 2017 1:40am | Report
2. Asking other MOBAFire members to downvote guides for reasons other than guide content.

That sounds like either very bad wording or a very bad rule. You shouldn't be able to ask for downvotes on guides for any reason.
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Jan 17th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 27, 2017 6:38am | Report
What about downvotes made as an obvious retaliation because that user downvoted? This used to be a pretty big issue in the past.
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May 12th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 27, 2017 12:42pm | Report

That sounds like either very bad wording or a very bad rule. You shouldn't be able to ask for downvotes on guides for any reason.
I mean, if a guide is terrible, and for reasons unknown to science, it has reached a high rating, wouldn't it be in everyones best interest, that it gets downvoted?

If you have any questions, feel free to PM me.
Vapora Dark
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Oct 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 27, 2017 1:41pm | Report
LevasK wrote:
I mean, if a guide is terrible, and for reasons unknown to science, it has reached a high rating, wouldn't it be in everyones best interest, that it gets downvoted?

So I should be allowed to ask my friends to downvote jhoijhoi's Ashe guide because it uses Black Cleaver, which would just so happen to make my Ashe guide take #1?
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May 12th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 27, 2017 1:50pm | Report

So I should be allowed to ask my friends to downvote jhoijhoi's Ashe guide because it uses Black Cleaver, which would just so happen to make my Ashe guide take #1?
You might not agree with the item choices, but the guide is far from terrible. Also, since you have a personal stake in in, it kinda violates the rule number 6.

If you have any questions, feel free to PM me.
Vapora Dark
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Oct 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 27, 2017 2:17pm | Report
You might not agree with the item choices

But that's an entirely legitimate reason to downvote a guide, and I did have it downvoted long before I ever had an Ashe guide because of it, while I had jokersprank's Ashe guide upvoted since I considered it better largely because of the lack of Black Cleaver.

Black Cleaver is a terrible item on Ashe and I've long ago voiced that opinion to jhoijhoi and long ago exercised my right to downvote her guide because of it. There's no possible way anyone can doubt me when I say I think her guide isn't that good because it builds Black Cleaver, and based on the wording of that rule, I'm allowed to ask Skittle and any other of my friends "downvote jhoijhoi's Ashe guide please, it uses Black Cleaver".

It may seem a little extreme to dislike a guide purely because of 1 item, but considering only about 10% of readers actually read the actual guide (which is being generous since the guides I've tested this statistic with show only 1-4% of people actually reading guides), the cheat sheet is by far the most important part of a guide, and if you can't even get that right, then my opinion is that your guide quality suffers massively for it. That's a valid reason to downvote, and it's apparently a valid reason to ask other people to downvote too.

Also, since you have a personal stake in in, it kinda violates the rule number 6.

I wouldn't be asking my friends to downvote all Ashe guides, just jhoijhoi's. And I know for a fact that you're allowed to downvote competiting guides for legitimate reasons, just not solely to boost your ranking.
<MOBAFire Mother>
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Mar 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 27, 2017 3:31pm | Report
Unsure of why it was necessary to write any of the above comments targeting a specific guide (ie mine). If you really need clarification on whether or not it's okay to get people to downvote another person's guide, you need to consider why you're doing that. The only two reasons I can think of that would involve recruiting other people to downvote a guide is (1) for your own personal gain or (2) "because you don't like the author", both of which are explicitly stated as no-no's in Psi's PSA. Getting people to downvote a guide for any other reason can ONLY encompass (1) and (2) as original/main factors.

But, seeing as you've taken the liberty of bringing up my guide, I may as well say this:
a) The Black Cleaver is in my guide as an option if you're building for Empowered Q Focus, which is featured LAST of the three builds available in the CHEAT SHEET and in the GUIDE ITSELF.
b) Whatever you see in the CHAMPION GUIDE SEARCH is INCORRECT, and invalid, as it always has been (just check my guide cheat sheet and compare it to the search - the order of items is incorrect for no discernible reason and I have tried to fix it in the past). It doesn't show the correct items, dropping core items etc for trinkets based on build order AND Matt has mentioned that showing items via the search will be phased out, as per the NEW search.

So downvoting a guide based on one item that is shown as merely an option in the ACTUAL GUIDE (not the GUIDE SEARCH), I think, is more for personal gain than personal opinion (especially as you have a stake in the "competition").
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Jan 17th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 27, 2017 3:52pm | Report
What about downvotes made as an obvious retaliation because that user downvoted? This used to be a pretty big issue in the past.

@ jhoijhoi: It should stop dropping the first item for the trinket if you list the trinket first.
<MOBAFire Mother>
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Mar 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 27, 2017 4:02pm | Report
^But then the trinket would be first in the purchase order in the cheat sheet, which obviously isn't correct. Anyway, if the items being displayed in the search IS going to be phased out, I'm not worrying about it.

I don't get the *cough* comment. Wouldn't that scenario fit in the "personal gain" category or the "don't like the author (because of what they did)" category?
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