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Blitzcrank Build Guide by RTQTCA

Jungle Punchcrank JGL

Jungle Punchcrank JGL

Updated on May 10, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author RTQTCA Build Guide By RTQTCA 8,837 Views 3 Comments
8,837 Views 3 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author RTQTCA Blitzcrank Build Guide By RTQTCA Updated on May 10, 2023
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Runes: main

Lethal Tempo
Legend: Alacrity
Coup de Grace


+10% Attack Speed
+6 Armor
+6 Armor


LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Punchcrank JGL

Who is this dude even
Funnily enough I am not some high elo Summoner so there are a lot of intricacies I will be ignorant of - hence why I recommend this guide only for people who literally have no idea how to play blitz jgl but want a somewhat rough and grug understanding of them. For higher Elo this is highly dependant on your team's and your ability to communicate your plans.

The highest Elo I have played this in was with Gold (and one Plat) friends in EUW as an unranked person myself (so the ranks were anywhere from iron to low Gold usually) (Bronze in flex EUW as a 5 stack because they carried me). It worked decently but be prepared to E-Date the other team so they will go easier on you.

All in all I hope you enjoyed the guide and maybe got a chuckle out of it and take some stuff with a grain of salt or see it as a personal (if maybe even wrong at times) opinion.
How to go about playing it
Step 0: In case you did the blasphemous thing of taking green smite
Try to undo - if not - try to remake - if not ff15

Step 1: Don't
unless you actually are consistent with your hooks

Step 2: Clear
honestly your starting camp doesn't matter that much imo but I like doing the opposite of the map-highlighted route since a lot of junglers blindly follow the markers and that allows me to either set up an ambush (if their jungler sucks at clearing) but also allows you to set up wards in case you're still trying to get grips on your macrogame (in this case - having a rough estimate of the cleartime for the enemy jgl or lane movements)

Step 3: Gank
see if you can gank - either to prevent an teammate's death or to get an assist/kill or turn the trade into a neutral or positive trade as opposed to an unfavourable one

Step 4: BACK
if you did your camps - go back and buy berserkers (if possible also sheen but it's okay if you can't for now)

if you didn't finish your clear for an early gank - finish your clear

Step 5: clear again
at least until you can buy sheen because at that point either drake or herald should be up - PLEASE PUT A WARD NEAR DRAGON AND/OR HERALD - if there's a shyvana prioritize the dragon - ideally you want to make your botlane have prio with another gank but if they can stall or if the enemy jgl has been spotted toplane that also works

Step 6: keep doing what you did so far
works well tbh

Step 7: In case you are behind
focus on providing utility over damage - you can make someone airborne, you can hook someone and you can silence someone - if there's a spellshield it's recommended to use your E before your Q as your E has a lower CD but also still deals damage.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author RTQTCA
RTQTCA Blitzcrank Guide
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Punchcrank JGL

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