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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Quintessences for AD carry?

Posted in Runes | Tags: Ashe Caitlyn Draven Ezreal Varus 6,234

  • Hodgeybeatz

    Quintessences for AD carry?

    I have been playing a lot of AD carry lately and go the standard flat AD marks and Quints, armor yellows, and MR blues. But I have seen some people, including my friend, go three Quints of lifesteal. I have also seen people go 1 life steal quint and 2 flat AD quints. I am not sure what to do so if you could help me out, I'd appreciate it!
  • Answers (3)

    GrandmasterD (531) | April 20, 2013 9:04am
    Lifesteal are definitely a good choice for AD carries. Especially if your style is to just farm up and wreck late-game. They are also great for IE-rush carries since IE doesn't have built-in lifesteal.
    GrandmasterD (531) | April 20, 2013 9:08am
    No problem.
    Hodgeybeatz (18) | April 20, 2013 9:05am
    Ok, cool! I was sorta thinking the same thing. Thanks for the fast answer
    got2know | April 20, 2013 11:02am
    Grandmasterd said it all basicly, altough even if you may rush a botrk or a bt, lifesteal quints may be smart if you are against a poke heavy lane (ie ezreal/cait + sona/lulu)
    Kingluis (8) | April 22, 2013 1:30pm
    Other than that guys, going armor pen quintesses (yes, armor pen quintesses, you read it), is good if you are that type of person that rushes Botrk. But note, this wont be that good if your enemy isn't THAT tanky early game.

    I still do believe that lifesteal quintesses is unecessary if you have a sona or soraka support lol
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