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Akshan Build Guide by support_diff

Middle "Things To Do. Scores To Settle"

Middle "Things To Do. Scores To Settle"

Updated on June 25, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author support_diff Build Guide By support_diff 28 5 115,569 Views 0 Comments
28 5 115,569 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author support_diff Akshan Build Guide By support_diff Updated on June 25, 2024
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Runes: PTA + Resolve

1 2
Press the Attack
Presence of Mind
Legend: Alacrity
Coup de Grace

Shield Bash
Bone Plating

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


1 2
Flash + Ignite
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None


Hi, I am Support_diff, a LoL player and a Mobafire content creator. Don't let my name confuse you, I have mained every role in the game, support is just the role with the playstyle I enjoy the most. I noticed that there is no "perfect" guide for Akshan, so I decided to create one. This guide covers everything you need to know about Akshan and how to play with him. If you have any questions or suggestions for chapters etc. I am all ears because I want this guide to be the most perfect Akshan guide there will ever be. I have also spent countless hours making the pretty unique coding of the guide because I wanted to create a guide that stands out with its looks. That's it for the small talk, let's get to the guide!

Akshan's Pros & Cons


Fun to play
Good early game
Can revive teammates
Good mobility
Doesn't fall off at any point


Isn't exceptionally good at any point of game
CC can get him killed easily
Ult is easily interrupted or blocked
Loses hard against poke
Swing can be bad for business if not used well


Press the Attack is the best keystone by far for Akshan as it provides you insane amounts of bonus damage. It also works extremely well with your passive
Presence of Mind is great for mana control which is great for Akshan as his abilities are pretty mana consuming early
Legend: Alacrity is the standard rune option here for any auto attack based champion
Coup de Grace is the best option here as it works well with Akshan's playstyle
Shield Bash works extremely well with Akshan's passive, it is the best option by far here
Bone Plating is generally the best option here, but you can also take Second Wind against poke champions
Press the Attack is the best keystone by far for Akshan as it provides you insane amounts of bonus damage. It also works extremely well with your passive
Presence of Mind is great for mana control which is great for Akshan as his abilities are pretty mana consuming early
Legend: Alacrity is the standard rune option here for any auto attack based champion
Coup de Grace is the best option here as it works well with Akshan's playstyle
Eyeball Collection is a great rune for Akshan as the bonus attack damage is surprisingly high for a secondary rune
Treasure Hunter is generally good for any champion in the game, and that includes Akshan. You can also take Relentless Hunter for better roaming

Summoner Spells

Flash is a mandatory for Akshan as you really need it to save your life and to secure kills. It can save you in a lot of situations which is why it is generally a go-to summoner spell to any champion on the rift
Ignite is one of the two possible second summoner spells for Akshan. It gives you a really good bonus damage in fights that can easily win you a fight especially in the early game where little advantages matter the most. It is overall a good choice that you can take every game if you aren't sure what should you take as your second summoner spell
Teleport is the other possible summoner spell for Akshan. It is a more passive choice that helps you to keep up farm and xp. It also excels at roaming and split pushing. Take it against harder matchups in order to not give any advantage to your lane opponent


Starter Item

Pick One

Doran's Blade

Doran's Blade is a generally good starter item as it provides you a lot of health and attack damage. It also gives you a bit of omnivamp that gives your Q a good heal if you use it through a minion wave

Doran's Shield

Doran's Shield is the most passive starter item choice, it works best against enemies with high poke as it heals you a lot after you get poked


Cull is a great item for bonus gold income, but it should only be taken against lane opponents that you aren't going to fight a lot as it doesn't provide you any health, only health regeneration for every attack, which is great for Akshan

Long Sword

Long Sword is the most aggressive starter item as it only provides you attack damage. I don't really recommend it as Doran's Blade is usually better and its only real good side is that you get to buy Refillable Potion


Pick One

Berserker's Greaves

Berserker's Greaves are the go-to boots for akshan as he is a auto attack based champion. They aren't situational so you can buy them in every game but sometimes there are better options

Plated Steelcaps

Plated Steelcaps are one of the two situational boots options for akshan. They should only be bought against hard AD or many auto attack based champions as they are useless against other possible team comps

Mercury's Treads

Mercury's Treads are the other situational boots for Akshan. They should only be built against high magic damage or cc and like plated steelcaps, they are useless in other scenarios

First Item

Pick One

Kraken Slayer

Kraken Slayer is the most used first item for Akshan. It works very well with his kit (passive mostly). In my opinion it doesn't matter much if you take Kraken Slayer or Voltaic Cyclosword, but I like Kraken Slayer more

Voltaic Cyclosword

Voltaic Cyclosword is the other first item choice for Akshan. It provides you an impressive amount of attack damage, lethality and a great passive. I personally like this item a lot, but as I said, Kraken Slayer is better in my opinion, but it's all up to you

Luxury Items

Pick Four

Blade of the Ruined King

Blade of the Ruined King is bought on akshan in nearly every game, and it isn't a surprise. Akshan's auto attacks attack twice, which makes Blade of the Ruined King proc twice. The synergy is so good that I suggest you to buy Blade of the Ruined King in every game, it won't let you down


Bloodthirster is a great healing item for Akshan as it has the highest lifesteal stat of all the items in the game. It provides you a lot of survivability and also a great damage buff through its passive. It is a great item for all situations, but is surprisingly rarely bought on Akshan

Guardian Angel

Guardian Angel is one of the most bought last items for Akshan, and for a good reason. It literally won't let you die, or at least it gives you a second chance. It is good especially for hard carries that must stay alive. It also provides you armor which makes it good against physical damage dealing enemies

Immortal Shieldbow

Immortal Shieldbow has lost a lot of popularity recently. That's because it isn't a great item for Akshan. It is true that it provides you some survivability, but it is now mostly built in troll full lifesteal builds. Buy it if you need to survive longer in fights, but it isn't really good at anything. It has a good synergy with Last Stand but you won't be taking it anyways

Lord Dominik's Regards

Lord Dominik's Regards is the tank killer item for Akshan as it provides you more damage against enemies with higher max health than you. If the enemy team doesn't have a good frontline, this item is going to be kinda useless for you

Mortal Reminder

Mortal Reminder is the antiheal item for Akshan. When you deal physical damage to enemies they are inficted with 40% grievous wounds, meaning they lose 40% of their healing for the duration. Sadly this ability can't stack

The Collector

The Collector is generally a great item for any attack damage building champion, including Akshan. Like Blade of the Ruined King makes it easier for you to damage high health targets, The Collector gives you ability to execute enemies that are below 5%. It also provides you bonus gold for kills.

Wit's End

Wit's End is a good on-hit item for Akshan as it provides you more damage to your attacks and movement speed after them. it is also a good item against magic damage as it provides a lot of magic resist. The on-hit damage is good for Akshan as his attacks attack twice

Guinsoo's Rageblade

Guinsoo's Rageblade has been a popular item for Akshan and it isn't hard to guess why. It provides you a really good passive, a lot of damage and some attack speed

Infinity Edge

Even though Infinity Edge doesn't have a passive, it is still a great item for its damage and crit damage stats that are unmatched among attack damage items

Rapid Firecannon

Rapid Firecannon is not one of my favourite items for Akshan simply since there are better options to build. However this doesn't mean that the item isn't good, it's just my opinion


Zephyr is one of the newer items, but it already has a great use rate on Akshan. It basically replaces your boots as it builds up from Berserker's Greaves. It provides you a lot of movement speed

Yun Tal Wildarrows

Yun Tal Wildarrows is another new item in the game. It works well on Akshan as it provides you a passive that basically increases your crit damage. It also has a good attack damage stat

Item Tier List

Build Path

First Item

First Item is a great powerspike for Akshan and generally any champion in the game. The two first item options I show in this guide are Kraken Slayer and Voltaic Cyclosword. Voltaic Cyclosword offers a lethality option but Kraken Slayer is a lot better in my opinion and I build it in nearly every game


Boots are nearly always built second if you aren't in a really bad situation in the early game as otherwise you don't need them earlier. You have three boots options: Berserker's Greaves, Mercury's Treads and plated steelcaps. Normally build Berserker's Greaves but against hard AD build Plated Steelcaps and Mercury's Treads against hard magic damage

Core Item

Core item is your third item after the first and boots. After it you have completed your core build. There are many options to build here, choose the one that fits your situation the best. Some good options for example are Blade of the Ruined King, The Collector and Infinity Edge

Luxury Item 1

First Luxury Item or third core item for some people is again a great powerspike as you don't have to build core items now and can focus on countering enemies and enhancing your stats. There are numerous options here, so choose the one that fits the best to your situation.


Zephyr obviously isn't a must or a separate stage of the game, but if you build Berserker's Greaves, you have to consider buying it at some point, at least when you have full build as it just replaces your Berserker's Greaves and gives some extra stats and a good passive. I put it in this place as you can't build it before level 15

Luxury Item 2

Like the first luxury item the second also has many options and you should just buy the one that suits your situation

Final Item

Final Item still is a luxury item but it is also the last item you are gonna build. I have to remind you that if you already haven't, now is the time to build Infinity Edge (if you haven't built full lethality for some reason)


Dirty Fighting


Every three hits from Akshan’s attacks and damaging abilities deal a burst of physical damage. If the target was a champion, Akshan also gains a shield.

After attacking, Akshan fires a second attack that deals reduced physical damage. The second shot can be canceled like a regular basic attack. If Akshan cancels the second shot he gains a burst of move speed.


The second attack applies on-hit and on-attack effects at 100% effectiveness. The attacks can also critical strike, but with a lower damage. That makes on-hit items like Blade of the Ruined King and Wit's End great item options for Akshan


Akshan throws a boomerang that deals physical damage and reveals enemies hit, extending its range each time it hits an enemy. Enemies can be hit once as the boomerang goes out and once as it returns.


Avengerang deals reduced damage against non-champions. Avengerang will be fired from Akshan is at the end of the cast time. Spell shielded targets also extend the range. Spell shield only blocks a single hit.
Going Rogue


Passive: When enemy champions kill one of Akshan’s allies, they are marked as Scoundrels. When Akshan gets a takedown on a Scoundrel he gains bonus gold, all allies killed by the Scoundrel are resurrected at their base, and Scoundrel status is removed from all other enemies.

Active: Akshan becomes camouflaged for a short duration, or indefinitely while near terrain. During this time, Akshan can see trails leading toward Scoundrels and gains move speed and mana regeneration while moving toward them.


Akshan can recast Going Rogue to end it. Akshan can move during Going Rogue's cast time. Enemy champions that kill Akshan will not be marked as Scoundrels. Clones don't count for triggering Going Rogue's passive.
Heroic Swing


Akshan fires a hookshot that embeds in the first terrain hit. While embedded, he can recast to swing around the terrain in the cast direction, firing physical damage bullets at the nearest enemy while swinging. While Swinging, he can recast again to jump off in the direction of the cursor and fire a final shot.

Heroic Swing's cooldown resets when Akshan earns a takedown on an enemy champion.


Akshan prioritizes enemies with stacks of Dirty Fighting, then those damaged by his targeted spells in the last 4 seconds, then the nearest enemy. Heroic Swing can be cast during Akshan's other abilities. Akshan will not stop swinging until his dash is stopped.


Akshan locks onto an enemy champion and begins channeling power into his gun to store bullets. At the end of the duration or after recasting Akshan unleashes the stored bullets, each dealing physical damage based on missing health to the first minion, champion, or structure hit.

Akshan can move normally and cast Heroic Swing while channeling and firing Comeuppance.


Each bullet applies life steal at 100% effectiveness and executes minions. Akshan can move while casting Comeuppance. Akshan reveals the target, lingering for 2 seconds after the channel. Comeuppance is placed on a 5 second cooldown if the channel is cancelled. Spell shield will only block a single bullet.

Ability Order



R + E + Q Tower Dive

W + Q + E


Stealth Ward

Stealth Ward is the basic trinket. When you place it, it reveals the area around it for 90-120 seconds based on champion level. It is great for Akshan and any mid champion generally as it works in every situation

Oracle Lens

Oracle Lens is another basic trinket option. When used, it reveals traps and wards around you for 10 seconds. Wards will also be disabled, lingering for 2 seconds after the duration. It is great against champions like Teemo but otherwise you should just use Stealth Ward

Farsight Alteration

Farsight Alteration is a less used trinket for Akshan as it is useless for most of the time. When used, it reveals an area forever if it's not destroyed and has a range of 4000 when placing. On the other hand, it is visible to enemies and only has one health

Control Ward

Control Ward is the most valuable trinket in the game. It costs 75 gold, but is worth the price. They reveal are around them like Stealth Wards, traps and wards like Oracle Lens and last forever if not destroyed like Farsight Alteration

Ward Map With Functions

██ = Control Ward
██ = Stealth Ward

Tips For Better Vision

buy Control Wards every time you visit shop
ward the spots shown above to maximize information on enemy movements
use Control Wards to both vision and destroying enemy wards
switch to Oracle Lens if your team has 5 players with Stealth Ward
Try to remember warding throughout the game when you see an unwarded bush for example

Farming Tips

only last hit the minions if you don't want to push the wave
avoid getting poked to keep your health and farm up
wait for your chance, it isn't always a good idea to fight
you can use Avengerang to push more effectively
if you are ahead, try to prevent your opponent from farming
don't spam Avengerang so you don't run out of mana
it is ok to be a bit behind in cs as long as you don't feed the opponent
don't sacrifice half of your health for a little cs (know when not to farm)
keep your distance against champions with bigger range than you

Game Plan

Early Game

Akshan's early game is fairly good due to his passive and Press the Attack that enable him to deal a lot of damage in short trades even in the early game. Your main focus should be taking short trades against the enemy and denying their cs. Try to bully them out of the lane with your damage and maximize your own cs


maximize your farm
take short trades against the enemy and possibly longer trades if their main ability is on a cooldown
if you manage to push the wave to enemy turret, consider roaming with Going Rogue
play for the team, not just yourself (help them taking objectives)
keep your vision up

Middle Game

In the middle game you already have your first item built and have a lot more damage input overall. This means that you have to play with your team or otherwise you end up being useless hard farming mid carry. Play around objectives and gold income. Roam if needed, keep your cs and vision up


maximize your farm
play around objectives
if you manage to push the wave to enemy turret, consider roaming with Going Rogue
play for the team, not just yourself
keep your vision up

Late Game

Late game is the best stage of game for Akshan as by now you have a lot of damage input as you now have multiple on-hit items. You still have to play around objectives and play with your team. Remember to communicate with your team and not just ping them when they are not playing like you want. Stay in the backline in teamfights


don't be late for teamfights
play around objectives
communicate with your team
splitpush if possible
stay in backline in teamfights

Understand Your Role

As Akshan you have to understand your role in order to be more useful for your team and to play in teamfights properly. Let's start with the obvious: Akshan is not a tank. Not even close. If you try to tank damage, you will be dead in a matter of seconds. In teamfights there must be a frontliner that can take the damage instead. Next one: Akshan deals a lot of damage. Especially later on in the game you start dealing really impressive amounts of damage. However, this damage is useless if you die before utilizing it. So, again, do not tank any damage if possible. In teamfights you can target the enemy team's frontline as your damage input is so high that you can leave targetting backline champions to mages and other adc's of your team. Never underestimate any crowd control abilities the enemies have. Akshan isn't really mobile with one ability that helps you escape (because Going Rogue can be useless oftentimes). This means that you are very vulnerable to crowd control abilities. Never underestimate their effect on you. The last thing about Akshan's playstyle is Going Rogue's passive. Whenever an enemy kills your ally, they become marked. If they die within three seconds of being damaged by you, the dead allies are immediately resurrected and you get 100 gold. With this passive it is pretty obvious that whenever an ally dies in a fight, you should start targeting the enemy that killed them, especially in the late game and if the ally killed was one of your carries. If you do this properly, it saves a minute (later in the game) from the dead ally which is a great benefit.

Power Spikes

Early Game

Level 1 if you have melee lane opponent
Level 2 ( Avengerang and Heroic Swing available)
First Item
Level 6 ( Comeuppance available)

Middle Game

Max level Avengerang
Going Rogue's passive is better now
Level 11 (level 2 Comeuppance)
More items

Late Game

Max level Heroic Swing
Going Rogue's passive is the best in teamfights
split pushing opportunities
Max level Comeuppance
Full build

Trading Against Ranged

Ranged Pros And Cons


Very good damage input
Good in poking
Very good if ahead
Great if they can keep distance


Bad if behind
Tend to lose easily in melee fights
Usually vulnerable to crowd control
Tend to feed if behind

How to Avoid Losing

Utilizing the Cons

Avoid getting poked
Don't let them get a cs lead
Use E to go in if their main ability is on cooldown
Great if they can keep distance
Keep your distance if you aren't going for a trade
Try to get near them in trades
Set up ganks often
Try to get them out of lane often

Trading Pattern Tips

Wait until they use their main ability
Go in with Heroic Swing
Get close to them if possible
Do long trades

Example Video

Trading Against Melee

Melee Pros And Cons


Very good damage input
Great if mastered
High outplay potential
Can oneshot enemies if they are assassins


Low range
Bad when the enemies are far
Generally hard to master the combos
Bad if you manage to ruin their combo

How to Avoid Losing

Utilizing the Cons

Wait for the right time to trade
Punish them when they go for cs
Escape with E if needed
Keep your distance
Poke them as much as you can
Keep your distance
Use E in the beginning of their combo

Trading Pattern Tips

Wait until they use their main ability
Keep your distance
Use Heroic Swing if needed
Don't do long trades

Example Video


Ahri Matchup Info
Akali Matchup Info
Anivia Matchup Info
Annie Matchup Info
Aurelion Sol Matchup Info
Azir Matchup Info
Cassiopeia Matchup Info
Corki Matchup Info
Ekko Matchup Info

Farming Strategies


Freezing is one of the most well known wave management tactics, but I think I will just try to tell you what is freezing in a nutshell so you get the point. Freezing lane is a farming tactic in which you only last hit the minions to get the wave to your side of lane and then freeze it there. It is great against good early game champions as they can't kill you and you can't be ganked. Sometimes it is really hard to hold the freeze in the same place but it will get easier over time.

In-Depth Video

Fast Pushing

Fast pushing isn't really a strategy, it is basically just pushing the wave quickly to the enemy turret. Akshan has an ok wave clear if he uses Avengerang, so it shouldn't be too hard to perform. For example, when you kill the enemy, try to push the wave to the enemy turret before recalling, roaming or whatsoever. The minions get killed by the turret instead of the enemy which gives you even higher gold lead. It also gives you a great chance to roam as the enemy needs to push the wave towards and the enemies don't probably expect you to roam right after a kill.

Playing From Ahead

If you win in early game, you have to play a bit differently from normal to secure the win for your team. Firstly, Akshan is a good snowball champion, meaning that if you get a couple kills early, you can turn into a late game carry. You need to play around minimizing the enemy team's gold income as your head start doesn't matter if your enemy team has the same gold income. Roam a lot with Going Rogue to help your teammates gain control over their own lanes, get vision control over the map to pick up enemies easily when they are too far from turrets. You can also generally start to play more aggressively now.


Play aggressively
Play around minimizing the enemies' gold income
Keep your farm up
Maximize your team's vision control
Roam a lot with Going Rogue

Playing From Behind

If you somehow lose the early game, you can't play normally as otherwise you would probably end up as a feeder. If you are behind, try to maximize your gold income by taking cs a lot. Your main goal is to have 10 minutes without deaths and a perfect cs for gold income. Don't join fights you know you can't win, and don't fight on your own, only with a team to minimalize the enemy team's gold income from takedowns. You can roam if there are lanes where your team is winning as sometimes it is better to gain control on other lanes for a more succesful late game.
In-Depth Video


Play passively
Play around your gold income
Keep your farm up
Maximize your team's vision control
Don't fight if it isn't necessary
Don't solo fight
Roam on winning lanes if it's worth it


Why To Roam

Roaming is often overlooked by players especially in the low elo. A good roamer can provide control over every lane to his teammates, gain a greater gold income for themselves and keep up the control over their own lane at the same time. This might sound like a lot, but it is really easy when you know how to do it. Roaming can both help you and your teammates, so it is a great thing to do as it can help a top laner win the lane against a hard matchup by giving them gold and time to gain more cs. Also, Akshan is a great roamer with invisibility, a lot of damage input and a chasing ability.


help your teammates to gain control over their lanes
get gold
decrease the chance of an enemy becoming fed later on

When To Roam

There isn't a "timer" that tells you when to roam but there are definitely some situations where roaming is a great option. For example, after you have killed your lane opponent. If you have enough health after getting a kill, you can roam pretty freely as most players expect you to recall after the kill. Another one, straight from base. Your lane opponent won't expect you to roam but to go back to your lane. It also is great to roam after power spikes which often revolve around visiting shop. Other great times to roam are when you have your ultimate up or the ally whose lane you are going to roam to has their ultimate up as it gives a good advantage to the roam based on the ultimate.


straight from base
when you have killed your lane opponent
when you or your ally has their ultimate up

Setting Up a Roam

There are a few things you should take care of before going for a roam to make it more succesful. Firstly, communicate with your team. Tell the teammates you are going to help that you are going to their lane before you go in or before you even leave mid lane. Also, clear your own lane before roaming. You can use your abilities ( Avengerang) pretty freely to clear the wave as you are going to have it back before you enter the other lane. Also look out for your lane opponent as they might follow you to counter roam. If they do, it isn't a problem, you just have to inform your team that they are coming.

In-Depth Video


clear your own lane
communicate with your team
look out for your lane opponent

Roaming Paths

The map above shows you the all the roaming paths that are worth showing. There are three different ways to enter the lane for both top and bottom lane. Firstly there is the middle way go through river straight to lane. This is best for a situation where the enemies have pushed the lane over their own side (it makes it easier for you to roam). The second one is through tri-bush This path is also made to flank the enemy, so it only works on one side of the map for both lanes. It is mostly for situations where the wave is at the middle of the lane as you can't walk through the river then. The third path goes through the enemy jungle to behind the enemy turret. This path is for towerdiving the enemies. You can also towerdive the other turret if you walk from tri-bush to the nearest bush behind the tower. These are all the paths you should consider using.

Split Pushing

When To Splitpush

There are some situations that allow you to splitpush pretty freely as otherwise splitpushing might not be worth it for you or your team. First situation is when your team can fight without you. They don't need you to win fights, so it doesn't matter if you aren't there. Otherwise you have always to be ready to join a fight when necessary and your split pushing might not be as effective. Second one, when you can fight the enemies that try to stop you. This is really important as you can split push a lot more safely if you know you can win the enemies that try to end your split push. The final one, when you have Teleport. Teleport makes it easier for you to get to the lane or get out of there, which makes your split pushes a lot more effective. Akshan is generally a good split pusher as he can clear waves really fast later in the game.


when your team can fight without you
when you can win the enemies that try to stop you
when you have Teleport

How To Splitpush

Now I will try to teach you how to split push. First you have to understand what it really means. Split pushing is pushing a side lane forward to gain control over the lane and game overall. That is my personal description of it, surely someone can explain it better. To split push, you must have minions with you as of course you can't tank the turret yourself as Akshan. One way of split pushing is slow pushing, meaning that you clear a wave sometimes to gain your own minions advantage. This only works if the enemies don't visit the lane. While your minions are moving towards the enemy base, you can for example take down nearby enemy jungle monsters to maximize your cs. By doing this you have a really good amount of minions when you arrive at the turret which makes it easier to destroy. Another tactic is to just push the wave fastly, clear every wave immediately and try to destroy the turret while doing so. This is more often seen as it is more simple and faster, but I don't think Akshan is the best champion for this strategy.

In-Depth Video


think if you want to slow push or fast push the wave
clear the wave using Avengerang and your passive
if you slow push, be ready to defend your wave against the enemies

Tracking Enemy Jungler

Tracking the enemy jungler can be very important as getting ganked by the enemy jungler unannounced can get you easily killed depending on the jungler. Tracking enemy jungler is about two things, vision and predicting the enemy jungler's movement. Providing the vision is easy, you just have to ward to places that are most important for enemy jungler to move through. The best spots are shown in the ward map in the warding chapter but I'll put it here so you don't have to scroll back. Keep in mind that the map is for every lane, not only mid lane. Predicting the enemy jungler's movement is harder as you need to look a lot in the mini map and communicate with your team. The jungler's movement depends on the jungle camps. They want to clear jungle camps as soon as they spawn to keep up with their cs if they don't have a lane to gank. I suggest you to use an ingame app like Porofessor that shows you the time when the enemy jungle camps will be up again, they have other useful features as well. Ping the enemy jungler when they appear on the minimap to inform you teammates. Try to figure out the enemy jungler's pathing, where they are going to etc. it will be hard at first but it will get easier over time.

Ward Map

In-Depth Video


keep your vision up so you don't get surprised
Download an ingame app that has jungle camp spawn timers
Try to predict the enemy jungler's movement based on vision and jungle camp timers

Instructive Videos

Gameplay Videos

Early Game

In the early game Akshan's goal is to take short trades with the lane opponent while keeping his gold income up to become a carry in the middle/late game. Don't go for longer trades unless the enemy doesn't have some of their main abilities up. Remember that your attack range is low for a ranged champion so some champions can punish you immediately when you try to poke them. If you crash the wave to the enemy turret, go for a roam on a sidelane to gain some gold advantage. You can try to poke the enemy with your auto attacks and Avengerang, but sometimes the enemies outrange you so you can't do much against them.

Middle Game

In the middle game Akshan starts to get some more game impact as he now has at least his first item and roaming is now a lot easier. You should roam around the map gaining control over lanes for your team while getting a gold advantage of your lane opponent. Remember to keep your farm up as it is really important for wave control and gold income. When fighting, try to stay in the backline poking the enemies while the rest of your team takes the damage for you. Don't use Heroic Swing towards the enemies if you don't need to, it can get you easily killed. Be aware of the enemies' cc abilities because they will kill you easily.

Late Game

In the late game Akshan starts to really get damage input as he now has a lot of on-hit items that work well with Dirty Fighting. In the late game your goal is to secure kills and objectives to your team while keeping your farm up to get the last items before enemies do. Play around dragons' and baron nashors' spawn timers so you never miss one of them. I don't suggest you to split push, you do better at killing enemies that try to split push because of Going Rogue. In teamfights still stay in the backline and target Scoundrels to keep your team alive.

The End

Thanks for reading, I didn't think you would make it to this point. That was my Akshan guide, hopefully you liked it. If you did, leave a like or comment, I really appreciate it. GG!
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