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Recommended Items
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
Champion Build Guide
About Camille
Weaponized to operate outside the boundaries of the law, Camille is the Principal Intelligencer of Clan Ferros—an elegant and elite agent who ensures the Piltover machine and its Zaunite underbelly runs smoothly. Adaptable and precise, she views sloppy technique as an embarrassment that must be put to order. With a mind as sharp as the blades she bears, Camille's pursuit of superiority through hextech body augmentation has left many to wonder if she is now more machine than woman.
Camille is a character between assassin and fighter, she is really good on picking, dueling and splitpushing.
Camille is a good pick into melee champions but also vs range champions thanks to her
Camille has built-in bonus movement speed from
Q that allows you to stick close to enemy but if it's not enough
Camille also got her
ultimate to lock down opponent.
Good and weak points
+ High outplay potential + Built-in bonus attack speed, movement speed, Dash, Stun,Slow, Heal + Carry potential + High Mobility + 1shot potentinal thanks to true damage on Q + Decent at all stages of the game |
- Item dependent - Falls off if really behind - Doesn't do well on lane vs hard bully lane champions like Renekton etc. - Kinda Mechanically intensive - Not that easy to master - Weak wave clear without tiamat |
Tips & Important informations
★ Basic trick on
Hookshot +
Flash. Classic
Flash trick where you E and then
Flash in the end of the Q.
passive what shield type she will gain is displayed as an icon beneath an enemy's health bar: Orange for Physical or Blue for Magical.
E can cancel any channels in the game eg. when enemy is using
Q gives her 50 bonus range and granting her bonus movement speed for 1 second.
Q reset basic attack timer. The attack animation can be cancelled by casting other abilities, but the attacks will still land.
★ Using
Tiamat will cancel
W animation, but the sweep will still strike and
Camille still will be unable to basic attack
Hookshot can be cast while rooted but not while grounded also other abilities besides
R can be cast while grappled or during the dash
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