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Recommended Items
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
Ability Order
Moonsilver Blade (PASSIVE)
Diana Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide
About Diana
Bearing her crescent moonblade, Diana fights as a warrior of the Lunari, a faith all but quashed in the lands around Mount Targon. Clad in shimmering armor the color of winter snow at night, she is a living embodiment of the silver moon's power. Imbued with the essence of an Aspect from beyond Targon's towering summit, Diana is no longer wholly human, and struggles to divine her power and purpose in this world.
Diana is some sort of combination of a assassin and melee range mage fighter.
Diana is good initiator thanks to her
R that pulls all enemies in circle to her.
Diana is a really good duelist and splitpusher however she also is decent in teamfights mostly cuz of her
Good and weak points
+ Can initiate teamfights with R + Built-in double gap closer on E + Great on side lane and teamfights + 1shot potential + Decent at all stages of the game + Carry potential + Dash reset if Q lands on enemy |
- Vulnerable to ganks - No escape mechanic besides Flash - Ultimate can be easily dodged by Flash or any blink/dash - Lack of CC - Weak outpush under enemy pressure - Kinda important to hit Q before E to get reset on long cd dash - Ultimate takes short time to land |
Tips & Important informations
passively got attack speed from her passive after casting an ability, this bonus is tripled.
Diana every third basic attack deals additionally damage and cleaves in the cone
passive also works on structures
★ Enemies hit by
Q reveals them for 3 seconds.
Lunar Rush cooldown is reseted if enemy was hit by
Q, you can use other abilities during the dash
Moonfall damage is increased for each champion pulled in
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