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Ezreal Build Guide by Raen

ADC Raen's Ezreal Tips & Build ^.^

ADC Raen's Ezreal Tips & Build ^.^

Updated on June 4, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Raen Build Guide By Raen 68 21 526,861 Views 14 Comments
68 21 526,861 Views 14 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Raen Ezreal Build Guide By Raen Updated on June 4, 2024
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1 2 3
Presence of Mind
Legend: Bloodline
Coup de Grace

Magical Footwear
Biscuit Delivery

+10% Attack Speed
+2% Movement Speed
+10-180 Bonus Health


1 2 3 4
LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


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Champion Build Guide

Raen's Ezreal Tips & Build ^.^

By Raen
About Ezreal

A dashing adventurer, unknowingly gifted in the magical arts, Ezreal raids long-lost catacombs, tangles with ancient curses, and overcomes seemingly impossible odds with ease. His courage and bravado knowing no bounds, he prefers to improvise his way out of any situation, relying partially on his wits, but mostly on his mystical Shuriman gauntlet, which he uses to unleash devastating arcane blasts. One thing is for sure—whenever Ezreal is around, trouble isn't too far behind. Or ahead. Probably everywhere.

Ezreal is a character which mostly does physical damage with small amount of magic damage from abilities. Ezreal is a strong pick with good scaling. Can be blind picked into most of the champions. Ezreal has great siege with his abilites. Having 3 skillshots makes this champion a bit difficult to play. He also has a high safety lane phase in exchange for lower damage in lane. He's a high skill high reward champ. Ezreal excels since he power spikes mid game. Dying sets you behind than anyone because Ezreal rely on stacking tear.

Good and weak points

+ Good poke
+ Also decent AP scaling on every ability that makes him viable to play as AP carry
+ Safe pick, can be blind picked
+ Build-in flash in kit
+ Long range abilities
+ Global ultimate

- Lack of cc
- Weak early game
- Kinda squishy
- Needs some Mana-management early
- Kinda hard to master
- 3 abilites are skillshots
Tips & Important informations

Ezreal entire kit is basically long-range pokes. In addition, your Arcane Shift is an escape.

Ezreal's Mystic Shot if hitted on enemy champion, minion or jungle monsters reduce cooldown of your Arcane Shift and Trueshot Barrage.

★ Detonating Essence Flux with an ability fully refunds the cost of that ability and restores 60 mana.

Arcane Shift's cast time cannot be interrupted by anything other than Ezreal's own death.

★ Every ability or basic autoattack consume Essence Flux.

★ You can use Essence Flux also on towers.

Arcane Shift got auto-aiming to detonate Essence Flux

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