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Bel'Veth Build Guide by BLOODINSIDE



Updated on November 18, 2022
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League of Legends Build Guide Author BLOODINSIDE Build Guide By BLOODINSIDE 24 4 62,859 Views 4 Comments
24 4 62,859 Views 4 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author BLOODINSIDE Bel'Veth Build Guide By BLOODINSIDE Updated on November 18, 2022
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1 2 3 4
Legend: Tenacity
Coup de Grace

Magical Footwear
Future's Market

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2 3 4
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Scorchclaw Smite

Scorchclaw Smite


Ability Order [CORE] Your go-to level ups.

Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
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Champion Build Guide


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I have played Bel'veth since release, I achived Rank 1 world on leaguegraph , got master with 60% winrate overall and a 70% winrate with Bel'veth. I am making this guide because I see a lot of wrong stuff online out there and I see a lot of players in my games building her wrong, so I want to teach people the right way to play her and hopefully this guide will help with that. I stream soloqueue from tiem to time, with no mic but if you like good music and jungle gameplay, feel free to join

*click between the images for clear proof

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I see a lot of people going the wrong setup all the time, when in reality its quite easy to understand and setup. Once you understand how to do proper runepages in champion select, I can quarantee you that you will win more games.

First of all, let's talk about the Conqueror versus Lethal Tempo argument

Conqueror is your always go-to rune. Why? Because with Bel'Veth you don't need the extra attackspeed, you don't benefit from it as much as you mightt think. Conqueror will help you way more with this kind of playstyle, you proc it early game realy easily with Void Surge, you get more sustain while using your Royal Maelstrom, AD from other sources excluding your items and Death in Lavender will always be better than the flat attackspeed.

Lethal Tempo is only a valid option if you are going toplane, but picking it jungle is really really bad. You need more sustain, not more attack speed, thats why Conqueror is better , because it gives you both more damage and more sustain.

Which one should you choose?

Legend: Alacrity
Legend: Alacrity
You opt for this most of your games it's a core rune for Bel'Veth jungle. It helps you snowball really hard after you get kills in the early game. It synergizes with your Death in Lavender really well aswell with your Void Surge and Royal Maelstrom.

Legend: Tenacity
Legend: Tenacity
I think an essential part of being better than other players especially when playing jungle is choosing your runes well .Tenacity is a perfect example of that, knowing when to take Legend: Tenacity can change the outcome of the entire game. You want this rune when the enemies have a lot of cc. You can also pick it up when the enemy team has a lot of autoattackers but also a lot of CC aswell. That way you can build Plated Steelcaps and you won't have to go for Mercury's Treads since you already have tenacity from your runes.TLDR: a lot of cc/ a lot of cc AND autoattackers

Legend: Bloodline
Legend: Bloodline
This rune is mostly a bait on Bel'Veth jungle. You mostly take this on toplane Bel'Veth The other runes in this tree are way better and give you way more value than Legend: Bloodline.


If you choose inspiration this is a core rune. You take this every game no matter the circumstances. It's really helpful to get these boots. The extra movement speed you get is essential to sticking to enemies later on. The reason why you dont mind delaying your boots is because you dont' need early boots on Bel'Veth . You focus on rushing Kraken Slayer as your core item , so waiting for the boots to be available is not an issue. This, combined with Cosmic Insight / Future's Market allows you to get the early item components Bel'Veth needs in order to function as a champion.
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Really situational, I don't recommend taking it anymore with the new smites. You can take it if you want more uptime on your Royal Maelstrom.
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You take this rune if you know you can get a lot of kills early and you can snowball hard. If you see that you can camp botlane because your teammates have a lot of CC and a lot of setup, you can get your Kraken Slayer after 2 sucesfful ganks and a full clear. It's really OP if the circumstances for it work. It's also really good even if you don't succed doing that, since Bel'Veth spikes really hard at 2 items.

Treasure hunter Really good rune to take for snowballing. The gold you get can help you get your core items really fast and make you unstoppable. It's essential for you because you can setup your snowball, and end the game early , which is what you want with this kind of playstyle

Eyeball collection Really good rune in almost every scenario, there is no reason not to take it. The extra AD is really nice on Bel'Veth since it's a state you dont get a lot of with your items and kit, extra AD will always feel good
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Relentless hunter This rune is generally really good . You should take it when you want to be all over the map and you consider that the alternative runes listed above are not good in your game. For example, I'll want to take this to contest a jungler that wants to gank alot by either being fast to take his camps by invading or to be there when he ganks to be able to counter-gank in time. But generally, Eyeball Collection and Treasure Hunter are better.
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Conditioning Really great rune to take since it syngergizes with Unflinching. Really good rune to take for stat checking and tank builds in general.

Unflinching Really insane rune. The slow resistance that gives you is really important on this setup. The tenacity is always a good bonus, the more tenacity you have, the more you can dash around and avoid other forms of damage , making you an even better tank for your team. It's not good on its on without Legend: Tenacity so I suggest combining the two for the best setup possible.

Revitalize Situational rune. It gives you pretty good healing early game combined with Conqueror and your Royal Maelstrom, . I only take it if I have a lot of healing from enchanters like Sona or Soraka . It offers really good value in the right circumstances
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Season 13 changed the way Bel'Veth is played. You need to full clear. It's an essential part of being a jungler now, the ability to full clear efficiently. You need to stack smite as soon as possible to be able to have full value at objectives. What I do now is full clear into a gank that has CC and intiation . For example, if I have a nautilius support I will start toplane, and full clear into a bot gank. This guarantes me to get myself and my botlane ahead.

Assasin Bel'Veth playstyle is pretty situational. Level3 ganking has been heavily nerfed due to how smites work now. I wouldn't recommend it since you need to farm a lot to get your smite and I would only do it if I know im guaranteed to get a kill. For example, if the enemies had a bad level 1 and they were forced to flash. I'd start the opposite part of the map You are pretty hard to be shutdown once ahead, and you have a lot of tools to end the game early. but even if your scaling is infinite the late game is pretty hard to pilot through, so ending the game as soon as you can is what you want to do. example here on how I'd start the game if enemy botlane had no flash 
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Every champion has pros and cons, let's talk about what she has
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+ easy to gank with
+ the clear is really healthy
+ the mechanics are easy to learn
+ amazing dueling potential
+ infinite scaling
+ snowball heavy
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Bel'Veth is a really good champion to play if you like to stomp when you are ahead. For me the best feeling I can get from this game is being ahead as Bel'Veth and taking over the game. She's amazing at snowballing, she scales insanely hard , she deals a lot of damage while being really tanky at the same time. I think the mechanics are pretty easy to learn, but hard to master.
- requires her core items to function
- needs a lot of game knowledge
- once behind its hard to get back
- hard lategame
- needs a team to play around her
- often banned
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She is an insane snowballer, but has a really hard time coming back into games once ahead. While her scaling is infinte , lategame Bel'Veth is really hard to pilot, since you are basically playing a melee assasin. You always look to end games as soon as possible and never drag them out to lategame. Game knowledge to play this champion is a must, since it shines at capitilizing your enemies mistakes.

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Here, I want to go a bit into detail about why the items I choose are good, and why you should build them

This is the item you always buy. Bel'Veth will lack essential damage if you skip it. It synergizes perfectly with the champion. No matter what build you opt to go with, you need it .Extremly cost efficient. The movementspeed on proc is really nice for chase potential. Makes your clear insanely fast after 2 items. The on-hit effect synergizes perfectly with your Void Surge and Royal Maelstrom. The components for it are great. Vampiric Scepter is a great item, making your Royal Maelstrom combined with Conqueror even more effecive, Recurve Bow is one of the best items for auto-attack heavy champions, and even more so because it helps you clear faster, and synergizes with your Void Surge , Royal Maelstrom and Death in Lavender. Also Pickaxe is good, because extra AD on Bel'Veth is always welcome. Blade of the Ruined King is known to be one of the best items for autoattackers. Same concept as why Recurve Bow is good but double or even triple that effect. Consistent damage throughout the entire game. It makes you spike really hard at 2 items. Bel'Veth with this playstyle should be played to snowball, and there is no better first item than Blade of the Ruined King .
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You want this item first when you're playing assasin [bel'veth] In an ideal scenario, you can get Noonquiver on your first back which allows you to skirmish really well and you can basically win any fight in a 1v1. Even if you didn't manage to get any kills early, just by clearing effectively you can get a Pickaxe. Even if you get invaded or die early due to unlucky circumstances, Cloak of Agility is still an insanely valuable item, since you auto-attack a lot, and your Void Surge can crit. Now, why is Kraken Slayer your first item and also an core item? Simple. It's an extremly gold efficient item, a mythic passive that works and synergizes perfectly with Bel'Veth. On top of that, it is your baseline as a champion, because you can easily proc it by using Void Surge and Royal Maelstrom. I truly beleive that Bel'Veth without this item loses a lot of her potential, atleast on this kind of snowbally playstyle that you want to run with this setup. perfect mythic/mythic passive, triples your damage/ easy to proc/ neccesary components to build early to function.
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Core item on tank Bel'Veth and her normal build. The spellblade for Sheen is really nice because you can proc it with Void Surge and Royal Maelstrom and makes your duelling potential skyrocket because of the 10% damage reduction against the first. It's an good and powerful item with a incredible mythic passive. The tenacity and slow resist is absoluely broken. Makes you really hard to kill in 1v1s and also really annoying to chase because you can apply it while running away. Insane item and abuse it before it gets nerfed.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author BLOODINSIDE
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