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Renekton Build Guide by SadBoySammy

Top Renekton Climb To Master

Top Renekton Climb To Master

Updated on January 6, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author SadBoySammy Build Guide By SadBoySammy 8,067 Views 0 Comments
8,067 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author SadBoySammy Renekton Build Guide By SadBoySammy Updated on January 6, 2024
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Runes: Into Melee

1 2
Legend: Alacrity
Last Stand

Bone Plating

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Champion Build Guide

Renekton Climb To Master

By SadBoySammy
Fury Management

Against Champions Every Auto attack is 5 fury, every ability gains 10 fury. You don't gain fury on empowered ability. Minions give less fury but still decent amount in a wave, making fighting in a wave very strong because of all extra fury gain.

Ult gives passive fury gain when active.
Combo's and Cancel Mechanics

Ult can animation cancel empowered w, allowing you to instant use q and e for one shot combo
Laning Fundamentals


Wave Manipulation

Slow Push - Usually building 2-3 waves and crashing into opponents tower. Normally want 1 minions advantage which builds to bigger minions advantage later. Easy way to do this from first wave is auto a minion a few times at the start and match opponents dmg rest of time. To speed up push more, auto more minions OR auto enemy champion to case minions to attack you instead of attack the wave. To slow down the push, last hit as late as possible and/or let opponents hit the wave more.

Advantages - It will make trades easier because of minion advantage. It will make you hit level spikes first because their minions are dying before yours. It gives a lot of Prio for warding, or when wave crashes you can base or roam.

Disadvantage - If you are pushed up more you are more gankable. Because of wave position you have more chance of being all in from enemy laner.

Ideal Use - To create an initial advantage out of nothing and very useful and common early game tactic

Fast Push - Using cd's on wave to kill it asap, if stronger you can hit the next wave before your minions touch to save a few seconds on the crash.

Advantage - You get a huge amount of tempo, so you can base or roam. Can keep a champion locked into farming the wave rather than roaming. Allows you to harass under tower generating a cs lead

Disadvantage - Using cd and reasources on the wave, makes you vulnerable. Can make an easy scenario to freeze or allow a champion to collect waves without being harassed or punished.

Freezing - Let Opponent build minion lead, but not enough to overwhelm you/your wave and crash into the tower. Easier wave to do this is to pull wave away from tower (get wave to chase you), until next wave arrives.

Advantage - Puts the enemy in a gankable position, really good for 1v1 to deny creeps or threaten all in.

Disadvantage - Giving Minions advantage to opponent meaning trades are harder. Make sure you have big enough lead minion advantage doesn't matter. Stop you from being able to roam to fights. Makes it easy for opponent to roam.

Ideal use - Extending an advantage you already have over your opponent or to keep wave at your tower because you are behind and need to farm safely.

Keeping Neutral Wave - Matching dmg of enemy on the wave, and try not to trade so you or enemy don't take minions agro causing slow push

Best time to use it - When you aren't able to commit to one wave strategy (e.g. freezing is good because you want them to be gankable BUT they beat you in wave clear and can easily shove ruining the freeze.)(e.g. Shoving for minion advantage is good but you aren't able to roam bc too early or really bad harass under tower.) Often used when waiting for an exploitable cd such as flash or ult and punishing that.

Good Openers
    3-wave crash - A form of slow pushing is solid way to start game into winning or even matchup. Rare to be ganked so disadvantages are smaller. Good for deny creeps. You can choose to harass, place wards

    2-wave crash - Same reasons as 3 wave crash, you won't get as much but it makes you able to ward sooner and keeps you safe from ganks if that is a bigger issue

    4-wave crash - bigger benefits as 3 wave crash but create a bigger time opening to back for a cheater recall. Fast push 4th wave as we are backing and don't need our cd anyway.

    Letting wave push - if in a bad matchup. Try thin wave so it doesn't crash and allow enemy to do anything, really good if you have good gank set up early.

    Freezing Level 1 - If you are significantly stronger than enemy you can stand in between them and their creeps to deny cs. It will slow push vry slowly but because you aren't letting them farm the cs lead will be much larger than a regular slow push advantage. Good idea to harass with no aa or point and click abilities, AOE abilities don't draw minions agro reducing amount of dmg you take.

    When Minions are under tower, you can manipulate the next wave to be closer to neutral state based on how fast you take it under tower. For e.g. taking it at the last possible second increases chance that next wave will get caught, causing the minions to collide closer to your tower and starting a slow push. (





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League of Legends Build Guide Author SadBoySammy
SadBoySammy Renekton Guide
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Renekton Climb To Master

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